needs a pregnancy test?

what would you do, if you were too embrassed to get a test..... how else would u get one......... and stealing doesnt count..... and none of my friends will get it for me...... and im too scared to go into planned parenthood


  • either have someone go and get one for you, or don't be a pussy and go to planned parenthood yourself and take a test. if your big enough to have sex, your big enough to go to planned parenthood.

  • If you have insurance, you could always take a trip to the doctor or ER and complain that your bladder hurts or it hurts when you pee. When they test you for a urinary tract infection (UTI), bladder infection, etc. they routinely do a pregnancy test.

    Sounds as if you're pretty young, though. So depending on situations, that may not be the best option.

    I suggest that you suck up your fears and just buy one. If you were able to be naked in front of a male, you should be able to walk into a store and buy a test. Also, the cashier doesn't have a right to ask you any personal questions about your purchase of it. So there isn't much to be humiliated about.

    Personally, I would rather get a test at Walmart or Walgreens, etc. instead of going into Planned Parenthood or asking ALL my friends (who now would know that I could possibly be pregnant) to get one for me.

    The sooner you take a test, the better. If you are pregnant, it's extremely important to get prenatal care ASAP.

  • Wow you are too immature to be in this situation. Go talk to your parents about teaching you how to be an adult. If you are old enough to have sex and possibly get pregnant then you better learn to buy condoms and pregnancy tests. Grow up already.

  • get it in walmart

    and then come to the counter thing where you can purchase stuff without a cashier

    self something

    u know what im talking about rite...cause i dont know what that call



    but i know it usually at the end of all the cashier counters

    oh btw...if you dont want to look so obvious that ur purchasing a pregancy test....get some candy or cereal boxes with the test so ppl cant see it

  • Your not to embarassed to have sex with someone but your embarrased to go buy a pregnancy test? How old are you? Sounds like you shouldnt be having sex if your embarassed to buy a pregnancy test at the store.

  • If you're mature enough to have sex,you're mature enough to deal with the consequences,even if it's just buying a pregnancy test. Guess you weren't mature enough to have sex were you? Just buck up and deal with it and buy one,if you're mature enough to spread your legs,deal with the situation.

  • I've made sure i've bought it in a supermarket where there are self checkouts. So you're scanning it yourself, putting it in a bag yourself and no one can really see what you're buying. Going to one of them made me feel better.

  • You need to grow up, if you think you are old enough to have unprotected sex, then you're old enough to except the responsibilities of it. Go to walmart most have self check out.

  • just gather your courage and buy one. maybe bring a friend with you to make feel better. people at the cash register don't bite. they aren't going to say a word to you about it.

  • if you can spread your legs then you can get a test toughen up

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