do you like this plot? (mature content)?
First chapter is about how it all began.
Fifteen year old, Eleanor was stood at the party that her friend dragged her to. She had left her alone and she awkwardly stood near the stairs. Along came Jason; handsome, funny, everything Eleanor looked for in a guy, plus he was older (even if it was about a year). After an hour of talking by the stairs Jason told her the music was too loud and they should go upstairs and watch a movie. After arguing with him about why she shouldn't go up, she eventually gave in and followed him upstairs... She never knew that was the worst mistake she could ever make.
He led her to his room and locked the door, he said it was so people wouldn't walk in. He shut the curtains and began looking in his draws, Eleanor assumed he kept the movies in there. She was wrong, He pulled out a packet of condoms. She began getting nervous and tried to leave but he blocked her way.
"You don't want to do that sweetheart"
He was taller than Eleanor, stronger than Eleanor and definitely more dangerous. However, she didn't stop trying to get out but he pushed her down. "No" she screamed. And she kept screaming "rape". Nobody came to help her. "You're not going to tell anyone babe?" He says to her "Because I'm a lot stronger and more dangerous than you and you could have this picture sent around."
When he had finished his dirty work, Eleanor left the party crying. She walked home and went straight upstairs. She was frightened and shaking. Her dad was out but her older brother was in his room but she didn't say anything.
It had been a couple of weeks and Eleanor had became more unsociable, she stayed away from boys and became jumpy every time someone came near her. She still had friend who were concerned. Then one day she realises it's the day her period is supposed to start, but it doesn't. She waits a few days but it still isn't coming. So when she is walking home she buys a pregnancy test. When she takes it at home, it's positive. She begins crying hysterically and when her brother comes to use the bathroom he hears her crying and walks in. He then sees the test and she gets up to hug him. Then he takes her to her room and asked her how it happened but angrily. Then she tells him the story about her rape. Her brother tells her she must tells her dad but she explains about the photo but her brother says it doesn't matter.
When Eleanor gets to school the next day, people are looking at her strange, like she is dirty then her best friend comes up to her and drags her to the side. She shows her the picture on his phone and demands an explanation. Eleanor gets out of school before it starts and takes him to a private place where she can really explain what happened. She explains about the rape, the threat and the pregnancy. Nate starts crying and hugs her. He tells her he is there for her and asks her has she told her dad. Which she hasn't.
That night Nate stays over and sleeps on the air mattress in her room and then Eleanor wakes up screaming, her dad and brother run in and Eleanor claims it is just a bad dream. Her brother sits her dad down on the bed and forces Eleanor to explain what has happened, she tells him about everything but the pictures. He is furious and demands to know about the boy so she tells him where he lives.
The next day Eleanor goes with her dad to the house where the party was because that was where he said he lived. When they knock on and see a boy who isn't Jason, they ask the other boy about him and he said he didn't really know him well, he was his friends, friend but then the boy said he cannot remember which friend. They walk back to car and when they get home try and find out about him. Eleanor knows nothing about him apart from the fact he is sixteen and is called Jason. Then her dad calls the police so he can speak to them about it. The police tell him they will try their best but considering they have no evidence it will be hard.
When she goes back to school, her bump is bigger because she left it too long to get an abortion. She must have the kid. People are calling her names like 'prostitute', 'slag' and all things like that. Nate is the only one there for her.
Her life then goes out of control.
It's a very interesting story. And the fact that i read the whole thing tells me i really did like it and it captured my attention. Nice work! The theme is great but the sentences and grammar are choppy. Idk if that's just because it's a draft or not but i would fix it. Overall nice job! I would love to know what happens next
A bit obvious dont you think? I think you need to spice it up. Maybe she could have also had sex with Nate and she's not sure who the father is. Or maybe Jason is really a serial killer that starts threatening her family and they have to figure out who he is before he kills them. Or maybe her brother is really Jason. Think about it.
as long as you're no longer merchandising and marketing it in the direction of childrens no one is going to furnish a crap. exceedingly if it somewhat is a comedian. i'm particular your artwork isn't almost as debatable as an incredible sort of stuff that i've got seen.
as long as you're no longer promoting it in the direction of childrens no one is going to grant a crap. fairly if it is a comedian. i'm optimistic your artwork isn't virtually as debatable as a large form of stuff that i've got seen.
I like this
You should post it on Wattpad, I think it's a really touching story and some people might even be able to relate to it.
Answer mine?;_ylt=Ag...
I think it is good, I just hope this inst the actual word for word book
Really good, send me your fb name and I'll add you so you can send me the story or mail me
Sad but touching.
OMG that sounds really good!!! Its really interesting! I wanna keep reading!=]