Is Clara a Saint's name?

I typed in Saint Clara on google and it gave me Saint Clare on Wikipedia. But the name Clare is a form of the name Clara.

So is Clara a Saint's name?

Thank you!

Niamh =]


  • yes, St. Clare (Clara) of Assisi was born in Assisi, Umbria, as the eldest daughter of Favorino

    Pretty much the same...

    SAINT See also:

    * SAINT CLARA (1194-1253)

    CLARA (1194-1253) , foundress of the Franciscan nuns, was See also:

    * BORN, IGNAZ, EDLER VON (1742–1791)

    born of a knightly See also:

    * FAMILY

    family in See also:

    * ASSISI (anc. Asisium)


    The CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Clare of Assisi


    Virgin, Foundress of the Poor Clares – AD 1253 (August 11)

    There you go

    Smiles - Old owl

  • St Clare was the 13th century founder of a Franciscan order of nuns, although Clara IS another version of Clare, you can't substitute one for the other.

    It would be like someone calling you 'Grace' if your name was 'Hannah' (both meaning 'grace').

    But Clara is a great name, I really like it.

  • It is a variation of a saint's name.

    However chances are there probably was a Saint Clara.

  • NO there was a person named Saint Clara . Clara is irish !!!!!!!! I love that name !!

  • St. Swithin, buyer saint of rain. He replaced right into a Celtic consultant to kings interior the twelfth century. while he dies d, he insisted on being buried outdoors so he would desire to experience the stairs of the honest and the rain upon his grave. And while the church tried to bypass his physique interior, it rained so stressful on the day they tried that they gave up. (residing interior the barren region, a "rain saint" is nicely worth honoring.) to boot, you would be unique. no longer too many "Swithins" for confirmation names and don't sweat the gender. women people are distributors of life as mothers. And rain is the present of life for all residing beings. What the hell, have exciting with it. God loves people who understand the thank you to have fun God's presents in excitement! advantages on your journey!

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