why do communist countries promote atheism?

in russia and china for example.


  • The core of their Ideology of Communism is Atheism, it rely's on that to make Communism work.

  • Perhaps Karl Marx who wrote the Old and New Testaments of Communism thought that religion was a delusion imposed on peasant and worker by a ruling class to ensure they stayed peasants and workers and did not attempt to remove the ruling class, who played at religion and sometimes sincerely believed in it.

    Later, when the Bolsheviks took over in Russia, they eventually set up a cult of the state and they didn't want any other cults to rival it.

    China was much the same, but it is now about as Communist as the trees in my front yard.

    I thought Russia dropped Communism about 20 years ago. Boris Yetsin and all that. Or has that news not yet filtered through to Dimbulb, USA?

  • Marx, who could be said to be the inventor of communism (though I think he would have been horrified to see it implemented today), also wrote about this utopian world - and let's face it if communism, you know, worked, it would be pretty cool - where religion is obsolete and people focused on more tangiable concerns. I'm not going to speculate on whether or not that's a brilliant idea, but that's what he said. He meant it as an organic enlightenment as more people got educated to higher levels, religion would just... cease to be important. Again, whether that would happen is debatable.

    But Communist regiemes have taken that part to heart and tried to... help the process. Stalin famously just decided to remove pretty much anyone who displayed much interest in the religious, and of course the Chinese Cultural Revolution was no picnic, either.

    It's worth noting that in both these cases religion survived and even became more entrenched, perhaps a reaction to the way in which they were treated. Orthodox Christianity in Russia is a big thing, and China is big on Christianity these days, too (but I don't think they like to admit it as much).

  • !. Marx Das Kapital, was a critique of capitalism, there are no instructions in it on how to set up a "Communist" state. Lenin invented communism with the help of Trotsky.

    2. Marx believed religion was being used to suppress the masses, and has ben proven right.

    3. Modern far Right Economists are looking at Marx once again because his predictions about capitalism seem to be coming true.

    The promotion of atheism was meant to stop religious argument, it did not.

  • The promotion of atheism is part of the ideology of Marxism–Leninism.

    As the founder of the Soviet state, V. I. Lenin, put it:

    "Religion is the opium of the people: this saying of Marx is the cornerstone of the entire ideology of Marxism about religion. All modern religions and churches, all and of every kind of religious organizations are always considered by Marxism as the organs of bourgeois reaction, used for the protection of the exploitation and the stupefaction of the working class."

  • I'll give you another example: Albania, the first atheist country by law.(during communism) this is because the one who governs creates a cult of himself, and religion would make people think that there's someone higher, greater than the one who governs and he doesnt want that.

  • You are confusing politics with religion, typical fundie mistake. Communism has nothing to do with religion. The Russian Orthodox church flourished under communism especially since Stalin thought himself a god and ran his administration as if he were a god. That your particular religion did not flourish does not mean there was no religion. China has several religions and always has. Again not your particular version, but then all fundies think their particular fantasies are all there is or should be.

  • You mean totalitarian states who impose state atheism. They do it because the state doesn't want competition and religion is a power hierarchy granting a lot of power to those in charge of it.

  • Well because

    The Communist philosophy was developed by Karl Marx, who was will known for his hatred of religion and his strong atheism

  • Because communism is a kind of secular religion that is disdainful of competition. Communism has its saints, its sinners, its devil, its prophets and even a messiah.

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