Can I upgrade my laptops processor?

I've got an HP dv7 1232nr, and it's running an AMD Turion X2 dual core mobile rm-74. I'd like to upgrade it to something with a bit more strength. Preferably an Intell in the i5 series. Any help?


  • It's doubtful your laptop has a processor socket and even if it did, you CANNOT replace an AMD processor with an Intel processor

  • Well, if the system comes with an AMD processor, the ONLY processor you can install is an AMD.

    That goes for ANY computer.

    That said, upgrading the processor on a laptop is doable, but it is simply not cost-effective. The price you pay for the new Processor, along with the cost of installation, makes it not worth your while.

    For example, your current cooling solultion in your laptop is likely only capable of handling a 10% increase in heat production, which roughly equates to the amount of performance you would get by upgrading the CPU.

    So you would likely be paying upwards of $300 for a 10% increase in speed.

  • read the HP description of your laptop. then try the geekiest forums you can find.

    but, dollars to donut holes the answer is no.


    near as i can tell from the AMD site, the specific socket the rm-74 fits into was discontinued only a few chips later and the next series won't work in that socket. So -- that's a no.

  • Absolutely no

  • you would have to check what type of motherboard you have and if it is compatible with the processor of your choice.

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