Pro tennis chances?

I am a 14 year old girl and have had no tennis instruction, but my dad says i will get lots if instruction very soon. i have been playing for 6 months and i play 4 hours every day and i play everyday with my brother and my dad says i am dramatically improving and i watch tennis matches everyday and i want this more than anything i gave up school completely so i can devote my self completely. Do yo think i have a shot at going pro, and what can i do to improve my chance.

my family will soon inherit 50 million

i'am serbian and i am extremely devoted and i can get up and play at time because i live very close to the tennis courts

i think about tennis every second of my life, call it an obsession, but i call it a passion


  • is that 50 million US Dollars of Serbian Dinars?

    cash will help, but the biggest factor is you. are you equipped to play the game, PHYSICALLY, mentally, and talent-wise? also, you're getting quite a late start, so the odds are further stacked against you.

    these are the questions you have to ask yourself. if you're missing the physical equipment then i'm quite sure the answer is NO. tennis is a great sport for a lot of people on a lot of different levels, but the pros will be a tough racket, so-to-speak.

  • You do not necessarily need to be an exceptional person with an exceptional amount of money and time available to become a pro... those things only help making it easier. The thing people do not realize is the subtle difference there is between the top 200 and the top 10... Federer has not always been the calm and stunningly focused player he is right now; in his youth, he was known for his temper and anger and was for the most a sore looser. Once he got tired of fooling around and throwing his material all over the place, he started thinking tennis and, so far, with 16 GS, we cannot deny the efficiency of the method. Of course, the guy has worked hard and has some uncommon skills, but had remain disconnected from the matches, had continued in that manner, that he would have probably not even won a single slam event. You can't lift a trophy on the ATP tour without presenting the same level of tennis through out the entire event and it must be an excellent level, no matter what. Many people, even some good amateurs, can touch a very similar level of greatness in striking certain shots; but would they be ready to win 3 sets like that in each round for two weeks; would they be able to rally that well and for so long? Perhaps physically, but not mentally. You can always get the work done, even just at a decent level; just enough to play the tour and lesser events. But, will you ever be capable of sustaining the rhythm for so long? That's where almost all people fail: it's too hard to never get touched by the match; it's too hard to keep yourself focused and to endure the pressure, the sight, the critics... You could without a doubt be capable one day to even rally with a guy like Federer for a couple of shots; you may even get the best of him once or twice if you train and train a lot. This isn't plain impossibility, even if it is immensely hard. However, to win a tennis match, you have to make sure you gain the edge in most cases -- just once more and at the right time can make the difference. That's why pros are pros: not because they are excellent at performing a shot, but because they are excellent at repeating this excellent shot.

  • people talk stuff all the time ,I have only played tennis for 8 months and I am a 4.5 that means I can play at college level . the only thing that will turn you pro is your will to improve , how bad you want to get better . I would say I am a perfect example I am not rich I dont have a personal coach I am 14 and I started playing 8 months ago . the only reason I hit with college and high school players around my area is my will to improve . there are no bounderies all you have to do is train physically (off court) and train on court but pls do not quit school because beleive me alot of the top juniors dont make it pro or they are too low in the rankings ... so its not the best idea to set your self on this path I will say make your goal to play in a college team and then once you start to win there , then think about a pro career

  • sorry, but most likely 14 as well and have played 7 years and im ranked in the top 100 in the united states. and for you to just starting six months ago, you probably can hardly hit a strong and consistent ground takes a lot of time to actually grasp ahold of, you can't just think youll be pro someday maybe two or three years later...most kids wanting to be pro train over 8 hours a day, on a strict diet, have personal trainers, shut off their social lives, and play 24/7. and because you only have less than 6 or 7 years to become a full tennis pro and ive played 7 years already, i highly doubt you can be a pro tennis player

  • if u try hard and follow your dreams you have a slim shot at making it

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