Is drums easy to play?

My sister is getting a set of drums because she wants to learn how to play and i thought it'd be cool if i could play drums too. Some people have told me it's easy, oters say it's hard and i don't know who to trust. I guess what i'm asking is

1) Are they easy to play?

2) What will i need?

3) What are some good learner websites and books?

4) What would be the easiest paramore and you me at six song to play?

Thank you, any help would be grateful :)


  • To people with natural rhythm and coordination, drums are a breez. I have neither so nearly Impossible for me.

  • One thing that I was told often from some accomplished drummers was

    the best way to get a head start in being good with a kit was to start playing / practicing

    without any cymbals just the kick, snare & toms.

    that way you will feel more confident when you feel like using rudaments & drum rolls etc,,...

    if you start out the other way around, then you have to later fit the toms into the mix.

    @edit one more thing I'd like to add .... with practice you'll obtain "muscle memory"

    which would require a lot of practice with the drums.

    I've put thousands of hours of practice in guitar , but thats muscle memory

    for just the arms , hands & fingers, with the drums you are utilizing your entire upper body

    and legs / feet.

    I remeber doing fast rythymic playing with double bass pedals and to do it just right

    i literally had to rock my upper body with the tempo to ease the burden on my legs.

    One little tip that I used to create faster / tighter beats on the kick drum is this,

    don't place your entire foot on the bass pedal, instead keep the heel of your foot off the pedal

    and then scoot your toes down the pedal until the pedal spring can carry the weight of your leg

    without the beater actually touching the drum head.

    this way by lifting & dropping the heel of your foot

    it will take less movement to put kick beats together.

  • Easy to learn. Lifetime to master. I know drummers who have been going on for about 15 years now who STILL are learning. It takes a lifetime of skill and mastery to be a good drummer. Anyone can keep time (unless you can't, then consider Guitar, because you follow the bassist and the drummer). Where to get cheap drums? Musician's Friend.

  • 1.Yes but being good takes a lot of practice at first it will seem difficult but it will come.

    2.A basic kit bass drum,snare drum,tom tom [rack mounted],floor tom,hi hat and cymbals,crash cymbal [on a stand] ride cymbal [on a stand] but you can do really good stuff with just a hi hat,snare,bass drum and a cymbal and the latter will be better and cheaper till you get good then you can add toms ect till you feel that your happy with the set up/kit.

    3.You tube.seriously you tube listen to songs with headphones on and just try to play along you will pick bits up.

    4.err i'm not a fan but something slow and short would be good.

    best of luck.

    ideal starter kit:

  • Start on a "small" single bass/1-2 cymbal set (similar to the "Beatles" drum-set) along w/plenty of "practice"-play along to your 'favorite songs')-later in the future-move up to a "larger drum-set"-good luck

    -I used to be one for several yrs....

  • drums and musical instruments are not cool, stop wasting your time and learn something which will benefit you.

  • It depends on the person, and drums are really, really, really, really, really expensive.

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