Proper comma usage??????????????????????
Which of the following is correct:
"I like x, y and z." (Choice A)
"I like x, y, and z." (Choice
I was always taught Choice B, but whenever I read a publication, they always use Choice A. Which is correct?
Both are accepted. B is called the oxford/serial comma. It really depends on what you're reading, who published it, and who wrote it. (Obviously, I am in the oxford/serial comma camp.)
You mentioned you often see the nonserial comma in publications. The Associated Press, which publishes a lot of things discourages the use of the serial comma. Perhaps this is why you see it often.
Here is a link to their stylebook
Apparently, educators have a problem with the nonserial comma style being accepted and have started campaigning for the oxford comma.
Tradtionally, the oxford comma was proper. However, some believe in no comma rules at all, as seen in “Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation” by Lynne Truss.
Here's a review:
They are actually both correct the rule is that if there are more than 3 items in a list then you use a comma before the and for example I like w, x, y, and z.
However, if there are only 3 items in a list the comma preceding the and is optional. Hope this helps
Choice B is an example of the 'Oxford comma'. I was not taught this myself.
I am under the impression that both are fine (in Australia at least). However, there is may be or may not be an advantage in utilising Oxford comma.
No corrections mandatory. in case you 2nd-wager your self, examine the line out loud and place a comma at typical breaks in speech. case in point, examine your 2 sentences out loud with and without the comma destroy. hear heavily to the adaptation and not which on seems maximum organic.
I personally prefer the second, as it more closely resembles actual speech, but both are acceptable.
Both can be used.
they are both right
Either is fine.