how many times a day do you play cookie?

...i am an active man with a beautifull girlfriend - we do it lots - but i still find the need to jammer myself - sometimes three times a all the great sex i mean am i nuts?


  • You are pretty normal...

  • You did not mention how old are you. But either your young or old that is too many in a day. What do you do anyway are you working or studying? Since the responses will give you an idea if you are doing too much or too little, my suggestion is to look for a doctor for consultation.

  • I think you may have a problem. I do it once a day cuz my husband cant last longer than 5 minutes and I never get to finish and I thought I was doing it to much but you make me feel better

  • Play cookie? Jammer yourself? I don't think you're adult enough to engage in any of these activities.

  • i personally dont eat a lot of cookies...they are very high in sugar...

    and i dont eat much jam either for same reason

    as for hand ******* myself...every chance i get

  • i do it allll the time. dont worry bout it ur good

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