So who's gonna rescue us from ourselves?


Will it be the alien overlords who will come Dec 2012?


  • None of us, that's forsure. We're *******!

  • actually this is a great question. God does see the big picture, and prayer is not getting everything we ask for. There is a quote that I love- "prayer does not get God ready to do our will, it gets us ready to do His". When I pray for something specific, like healing from a chronic pain disease, I have not received that answer yet- however I received far more from God, because I prayed. Let me explain that- after I realized that God was not choosing to heal me "at this moment"- I began to pray differently- I began to pray for what He desires to teach me in the pain- and He has given me grace and strength to endure the pain, even though some days are just horrible. Prayer is not like a list of stuff we bring to Santa- it is submitting ourselves to our God. Prayer aligns us with His will. EDIT- I want to apologize for people like Nickel. With people like him, I understand why people don't care to believe. Sorry- hope some of the other answers have been helpful.

  • The flying spaghetti monster or the ceiling cat.

    Btw did you get the message I sent you? (I know it doesn't mean as much as if I had said it earlier on like during the summer though. Sorry for not being as responsive as I should've though.)

  • We will have to rescue us from ourselves... It's the only way to be rescued.

  • Time is our only hope. And a mother's prayer.

  • no one. only we can rescue ourselves.

  • No one. All empires fail, all civilizations falter.

  • If you look in the mirror, well, this is how it begins.

  • No one. We're stuck.

  • I will

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