do you have a pet?


~peace and have a nice day~



  • We had a white rabbit named "Cloud" but he escaped from the enclosure we had built in our backyard. He roams around our backyard... my only fear is that another animal might hurt him. So far he's been alright. We still put out food and water for him every day.

    () ()



  • No and I really want two kitties. My daughter took her cat when she got married (my husband said she had to). Now she has rescued a litter of 5 kitties and she raised them by hand and it makes me want some little kitties of my own. Darn! My husband hates cats and let our two daughters have cats while they were here, but now he says NO MORE! I'm home all day (read partially disabled) and really want some company. As nice as you dear folks on Y/A are I want a real live animal!!!

  • Dog named Hera and a kitty named Mo.

  • Yes, a kitty named Skully.

  • 3 cats and a dog .. flea bags and ticks , what a mess todays animal world is in? . the cats come and go as they please the dog wont stay out of the dirt and ticks get into his head n neck n even around his eye at times hard headed dog .. .. i too can be hard headed though sigh! .! mj

  • 2 puppies

  • 2 dogs and a bird =)

  • 9 dogs, 3 birds, and an Iguana.

  • my family has a Female Shepherd called Feebz.

    i like her soooo much.

  • one cat

    and 2 sugar`gliders

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