HELP!!! is canada a state?

ive herd about this canada place nd i dont no if its a state or like what hELP


  • "Hi"...To everyone who answered Trent kindly note that from what "her" profile says she is from California and it's obvious she is just gently kidding all of us .

    To's a great answer of hers regarding the beloved game of hockey......

    QUOTE....."whoa don't listen to that guy, the red wings suck. if your going for famous, go with sidney crosby (Sid the Kid) Alex Ovechkin (o-VECH-kin) Jonathan Toews (pronounced TAZE), Patrick Kane, Steve Stakmos"....UNQUOTE

    So...she knows who Syd ,from the "State of Canada", is (*lol*...cracks me up ) and she can't be all that bad if she likes I think she's just having good polite neighbourly fun with us and deservedly so.


    Hi Trent...quite hilarious to see that you got everyone going there....*lol*.....personally I loved it and I'm Canadian.

    (Michael C...)

  • Canada is a Peaceful Country in North America.

    Canada has Provinces..

    The United States has states..

  • Most people know that the maple is the NATIONAL tree of Canada but few realize that each state (or Province) of Canada has their own state tree. They are as follows: Alberta lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta British Columbia western red cedar, Thuja plicata Manitoba white spruce, Picea glauca New Brunswick balsam fir, Abies balsamea Newfoundland black spruce, Picea mariana Northwest Territories jack pine, Pinus banksiana Nova Scotia red spruce, Picea rubens Nunavut No official tree Ontario eastern white pine, Pinus strobus Prince Edward Island northern red oak, Quercus rubra Quebec yellow birch, Betula alleghaniensis Saskatchewan paper birch, Betula papyrifera Yukon quaking aspen, Populus tremuloides

  • Canada is a country on the north side of the US. It has 10 provinces and 3 territories.

    Similar lifestyle to the United States but things cost a bit more than in the states due to higher taxes, higher energy costs and the fact that while it is a big country it only has 10% the population of the United States. Even though Canadians pay more for everything they do have a national healthcare system that the government pays for (out of the high taxes).

  • Canada is a country...

  • We're kind of a state, like in a higher state than the USA. We know we're in a higher state because if you look at a map of North America, we're on top.

  • It's not a state. It's a country, north of the United States of America. Look it up on the internet! :-)

  • Ha. No it is it's own country.

  • Canada is a "state of mind." Oh Canada my home and native land!


    Randy,Please do not assume this person is American and please no not be rude. You set a poor example and make us look badly.

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