Math Problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

The Bay of Fundy is an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean Bounded by Maine and new Brunswick on the north and Nova Scotia on the south. It is famous for its high tides. At a dock there, the depth of the water is 2 ft at low tide and 58 ft at high tide, which occurs 6 hour and 12 minutes after low tide. Draw a graph showing the depth of water at the dock as a function of the time since high tide. Find equation for the graph. [in a trigometric function]


  • y = a * sin(bx) + c

    c raises and lowers the baseline of the equation. If the lowest point is 2 ft and the upper is 58 ft, the midpoint is 30 ft.

    y = a * sin(bx) + 30 ft

    A normal trigonometric function has a maximum of 1. This function has a maximum of 28 ft over the baseline, so

    y = 28 ft * sin(bx) + 30 ft

    A normal trigonometric function goes from one extreme (-1) to the other (1) in pi radians. This does it in 6 hours and 12 minutes, or 6.2 hours.

    y = 28 ft * sin(6.2x/pi) + 30 ft

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