Is a hairdresser a good career?

i'm abit worried that i wont be able to make it as a hairdresser at college for some reason lol, but is it good money and a good career? I'm learning it at the moment at work experience, every thursday, it's quite good but hell of alot of coursework!


  • yes, but the competition is tough. you need to be skilled and always updated with the new trend.

  • i own a salon and trying to get a hairdresser really isnt easy. but what i mean by that is a fully qualified one with experience.

    I would say its such a great thing to have under your belt. you've always got that trade where ever you are in the world, however old you are, whether you want to be employed or self employed.. so many avenues for you! Good luck

  • if u really want the job u wouldnt care how much work is involved. it isnt very good pay but ur best option is to talk to them about it! thats why your there.. your ment to ask questions, it always shows that ur serious about it

  • you may desire to be authorized in each state yet they are in a position to be transferred rather undemanding. i might artwork on base because of the fact it takes 3 years or extra to make certain a purchasers then it's time to bypass. sturdy success......

  • If it is really what you want to do just GO for It! Goodluck!!!

  • I u can get ur own parlour....yes....=)

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