Failing as a navy seal?

If at the naval academy, I want to become a SEAL and fail, would I have to be in the navy or could I then become a marine?


  • If you are in the Naval Academy to become a Naval Officer, apply for BUD/S and fail, you are sent to the Naval fleet to fill whatever position the Navy decides to place you in. You do not transfer to the Marines. Btw, as an officer you only get ONE attempt at BUD/S so ensure you are ready if you volunteer.

  • You can not become a SEAL at the USNA.

    You need to get a clue.

    If you are the greatest swimmer you ever knew you may have a chance. USNA is a dream a lot of people have never count on it. SEAL training is so tough that some dedicated people give it up on the first night.

    Just take one day at a time through any training.

    Oh yeah, you can become a SEAL and also be a Marine.

  • What part of NAVY Seal, don't you understand ?

    IE: you have to be in the NAVY to try and become a Seal.

    If you were in the Marines, then you couldn't try and become a Seal.

    Since there are no Marine Seals.

  • you don't have any chance of being accepted to the Naval Academy or any service academy. If somehow they did let you enlist with the option of trying out for SEALs you would certainly fail.

  • "I want to become a SEAL and fail"

    I have heard about going into something with the mindset of "I am going to win this"....

    But going in and wanting to fail? That is a new one...

  • Getting into BUD/S as an Officer is damn near impossible, and you want to get into BUD/S as an Officer after getting into the already impossible to get into the Naval Academy... It isn't happening

  • That is not an option at the USNA.

    Talk to a USN recruiter.

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