My dog's collar...?

is too tight... It does not choke or cut him but I can tell it is uncomfortable. When we got him he gained weight. The collar he had when we got him is one of those chain collars. It is not too thick. I told my dad to cut it off numerous times but he says it its fine. He lives on another planet in another dimension. What do I use to cut it off??

The collar looks like this, and the dog in the pic is not mine.


The picture was there to show you guys what kind of collar he has. The dog isn't mine. His collar is tighter than that. His collar is not embedded. I wouldn't let it get that bad.


  • I've handled situations like this lots. Please read this over and practice it in pretend without the dog first. Just go through the motions a few times as if he was there. It will allow you to be secure in your actions. These are very detailed, but describe a relatively simple and short procedure - less that 2 minutes in total duration. Maybe as little as 15-30 seconds in all. But if you follow them to the letter, it will work, guaranteed.

    Since you say it's not imbedded and you can get bolt cutters in there to cut, then you don't need to use them. Cut any long or matted fur around the upper neck and throat area by the jaw and ears and back of head if there's lots of thickness and length, this will make the procedure easier - it will grow back. If it's a moderate to short fur base, not to worry. This is not quite such an emergency as if his airway was cut off and it can create more deep bonding between the two of you if you try this the way it's laid out here. This is like taking off a really tight piece of clothing - it can be done.

    >>First: Stay Calm & breathe throughout the entire procedure. If you stay calm the dog is apt to stay calmer, he'll pick up on your distress.

    >>Second: Use two people, have your dog held:

    dog sitting with someone on floor, legs in a 'V' w/dog backed into them and they 'hug' the dog by encircling arms, not just hands, around the chest (if it's a moderate to large size, smaller dogs can be wrapped in a towel and held securely in a similar fashion but less of the arms are necessary) - not squeezing - just encompassing him, so that he feels secure and won't have anywhere to resist against except into the person holding him, this keeps him calmer and easier to handle while you do the work. It also has the great advantage of being an easy and safe position for the handler of the dog to feel that they have him securely without straining.

    Atta boys, good doggy, it's ok - talk soothingly while holding. Keep repeating his name to get his attention distracted. Every couple of seconds - Hey Petey, you're such a good boy. That kind of thing.

    >>Third: Now is your part - ease the collar up towards his jaw and ears as much as possible by increments. Dont' be tentative, and don't be jerking and rough [I'm sure you won't]. Make your movements and touch gently firm but sure. The dog picks up alot on your intention through how you use your hands here. Even if he 'squawks' you won't hurt him, at least not more than a bit of momentary discomfort (like having someone pull a stuck shirt over your head with your arms extended). Move one part of the collar up, push or pull the loose skin & fur (the 'scruff') gently downward behind the collar as follows: on the back of his neck and head -->toward the spine, on either side of his jaw and ears --> towards the shoulders, and underneath his jaw and chin (throat side)

    -->ease the excess scruff towards his chest.

    By now you've got the collar: by his ears, the bony protrusion on the back of his skull, and underneath his jaw.

    Fourth: He may be tensing by now, which is where your handler comes in. Have your helper hug him snugly so he can't squirm out and soothe him with his name and praise in a 'perky' manner. PETE your are GOOD BOY. Yes PETE Good boy EASY There PETE, and such like.


    get one ear behind the collar and then the other and the collar will now just come right off. DONE. Treat time, praise and THEN release. Happy Day.

  • That type of collar is called a choke chain. They are very useful when on leash. You should be able to comfortably pull the choke chain over your dogs head. I wouldn't suggest having your dog wear this as an everyday collar. I would suggest getting him a belt style collar that is buckled tight enough to not slip over his head. With a choke chain you run the risk of him getting the chain caught on something and your dog pulling and choking himself and possibly hurting himself.

    Good Luck!

  • That doesn't look bad. It looks like it is hanging a little off the neck. As long as you can fit 2-3 fingers under the collar, it is fine. On the other hand chain collars are the worst. Ask your dad if he would like that thing on his neck to pinch his skin every time he goes for a walk. I use the below collars.

    Good luck

    I read your update. Take action and remove the collar. It is very dangerous to have an embedded collar on a dog. I hope you can get it off. Keep me posted.

  • Its a choke chain and those should be used for training purposes only and only by people who know how to use them.

    If the choke chain is left on it can get caught on something and choke your dog. If its too tight, thats just not fair at all.

    Take the choke chain off and replace it with a normal collar that won't harm the dog.

  • That collar should not be worn in the house - ever.

    It's only for taking a dog out on a walk or a fine one for showing.

    If the collar is too tight it will be painful for your dog, make sure it comes off as soon as possible and buy your dog a new collar. Preferably a half check collar.

    Buy your dog a buckle or snap collar for use when he is at home, available from any pet store or online and a new slip/half check collar for when you take him out on walks.

    Great that you want to take it off, bolt cutter or something like it should remove it, but be careful. Good luck!

  • That kind of collar shouldn't be worn all the time, just on walks. It could get caught on something. If you can't stick two fingers under the collar it is too tight. If it is embedded you need to take your poor dog to the vet.

  • Maybe your dad comes from the same planet is mine.

    Won't be easy, you'll have to use some big metal cutters like you use to chomp through padlocks and stuff. Be very careful! Spose there's no chance of getting a vet to do it??? Probably not. Get some metal cutter thingys and just do it.


    EDIT: Yeah bolt cutters is what I meant, although the pliers are a good idea.

  • cut it off with a bolt cutter. An embedded collar can lead to infection and worse, and it's considered animal cruelty if it happens. If you can't simply take it off over his head like it should be done, it's too small and you need to get it off NOW.

  • Use Bolt cutters to cut it off.. Put a piece of leather between your dogs neck and the collar and slide the bolt cutters in there. Just make sure your dog is calm and lying down when you do it. I would recomend you get another person to hold your dog down so he doesnt jump and get cut.

    Hope this helps...


  • If you can't pull it over his head, get a pair of boltcutters and cut the darn thing.

    Choke collars were not designed to be left on full time. It's dangerous. They are only for use during training.

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