alguem pode me ajudar a passar isso pro inglês?

Passar para o inglês:

No dia XXX de novembro, aconteceu a aula inaugural do curso de Especialização em Língua Inglesa da Universidade de XXXXXX.

Na parte da manhã, a turma assistiu a uma pequena apresentação sobre o curso e a universidade ministrada pela coordenadora XXXXXX. Logo após, houve uma confraternização e o início das atividades. Primeiramente, consistia em analisar e discutir sobre o programa de ensino, seu conteúdo e a forma de avaliação. Logo após, passamos para a XXXXXX onde, tivemos que falar sobre XXXXXXX.


  • On November 30th, it happened the opening class on Post Graduate course in English Language in the University of XXXXX.

    In the morning, the students attended to a brief presentation about the course and the University, which was demonstrated by the coordinator XXXX.

    Soon after that, it was carried a confraternization and the beginning of the activities.

    At first, it was analysed and discussed about the teaching program, its content and means of evaluation.

    Soon after that, we overcame to XXXXX, (*)where we we were due to speak about XXXXX.

    Sou americano.

    O asterisco indica confusão de palavra, passaram para XXXX (lugar, professor, matéria?)

    Eu entendi como lugar.


  • In XXX of November, was the inaugural class of the course of Specialization in English Language of the University of XXXXXX.

    In the morning, the group watched a small presentation on the course and the university provided by coordinator XXXXXX. Soon after, had a confraternization and the beginning of the activities. First, consisted of analyzing and arguing on the program of education, it content and the evaluation form. Soon after, we began to the XXXXXX where, we had that to talk about XXXXXXX.

  • i'm not very good in english, but....

    please go to the google's page and .... you will find how translate this to the english....


  • In the day XXX of November, the inaugural class of the course of Specialization happened in English Language of the University of XXXXXX.

    In the part of the morning, the group attended a small presentation about the course and the university supplied by the coordinator XXXXXX. Therefore after, there were a confraternization and the beginning of the activities. Firstly, it consisted of to analyze and to discuss on the teaching program, your content and the evaluation form. Therefore after, we passed for XXXXXX where, we had to talk about XXXXXXX.

  • On XXX November, was the inaugural class of the course of Specialization in English from the University of XXXXXX.

    In the morning, the class watched a short presentation about the course and the university provided by the Coordinating XXXXXX. Soon after, there was a confraternização and the start of the activities. First, to examine and discuss the program of education, the content and form of assessment. Soon after, we began to XXXXXX where, we had to talk about XXXXXXX.

    Espero ter ajudado,

    New Ask

  • entre no google ,,e digite traduzir português p/ inglês..vai aparcer vários sits digite e estará traduzido

  • no tem tradutor onaline

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