do you think obama is a ?

coward? muslim? muslim coward?

apologize to those people?

blame it on a viedo.this country is full of brain dead suckers.


  • Everything but a coward. He knows exactly what he is doing to this nation and every freeborn person in this world. He has an agenda and he isn't cowardly about it. Matter of fact, he has the intestinal fortitude to bypass our constitution and congress every time he can. The cowards are the elected officials in congress who do not have the balls to call for his impeachment and try him for treason.

  • not a coward

    not a muslim

    did not apologize

    yes many brain dead people- at the very least need to know how to find FACTS.

  • This question is not even worth asking. Everyone knows that Obama is a smart, well-meaning, and bold dude. Some people just pretend that they think otherwise so that they won't have to admit that they were wrong about him--yes republicans (intended lowercase), I'm talking about you.

  • Fact is he is purposely acting like an imbecile. He is counting on his supporters being complete numb nuts.

  • i think obama is an idiot. things he promised but did not deliver in what he planed to do for the country. he has taken other people's idea and taking credit for it even though they weren't his idea's.

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