Do you consider Ethiopian Jews as Jewish? my opinion not only are they Jewish, but great individuals as well - some of the most honest and hardworking people I've ever met.


(Sorry, I just woke up, got to the job and my synapses is terrible - and I currently do not know how to rephrase this question. It must sound funny. Sure.. go ahead and have a laugh at my expense :SSSSS)


  • Yes, I do and yes, sadly, some have been discriminated against and its a very sad thing.

  • Certainly - and their DNA backs it up, so belief isn't even an issue, as far as I'm concerned. << Very good article on the topic from "Reform Judaism" magazine, published in 2008.

    There are Jews of every race and nationality on the planet; race/color/nationality are NOT attributes that determine one's Jewishness.

  • One of Moses' wives was Ethiopian so that is entirely possible

    Num 12:1 And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.

  • answer: and you would be incorrect. Their Jewishness was questioned because their practices and beliefs were slightly askew from the long history of Judaism. Final determination: they are Jews, why do you think Israel sent rescue planes?

  • I had heard about that... so if they're Jewish, why not consider them Jewish??? 100% agree with you... :-)

    Again, people keep focusing on form instead of essence. That's a really tough problem for this species I'm afraid!!! :SSS

  • first, there is blood line jews, and some of them are actually atheist. so they are not "chosen" people

    second, there is a new and everlasting covenant, that Jesus has made with men in these last days which builds the kingdom of God on earth as DANIEL prophesies, and its not the JW's or sectarian christianity.

    historically and traditionally the "christians" have always been "gentiles" they are not the chosen people, oh yes, they may have a form of salvation but they do not have the new and everlasting covenant.

    that is the difference.

    whether jew or gentile or hebrew, no group of people has the covenant of God, there is a spiritual covenant that makes us the adoption of abraham, and those that complete the covenant are the only "chosen" people, spiritually and physically. spiritually first and come the resurrection they will be physically the chosen people of God in the resurrection

  • I can't say that there are any Jews that I *don't* consider Jewish.

  • I met an Asian Jew yesterday, it totally blew my mind.

  • Certainly. Why not?

  • are you kidding?

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