Do adults play pc,ps4 games etc. ?

i was always under the impression that kids played all the games i am starting to think there could possibly be a lot of adults playing as well due to the skill level of a pretty large percentage of players in various games


  • Yes, there are a lot of adult gamers, myself included. Very few video games, are made for children only, and quite a lot of them are marketed towards people over 18.

  • Yeah Some Adults Do, However When I Get Older I'll Grow Out Of Gaming Consoles. By The Time I'm In My Mid To Late 20's I'll Be Over It. I Feel Like The Majority Are Kids/ Teens.

  • Yes, of course. There are a lot of games (e.g The Last Of Us, BioShock Infinite) which are aimed at older audiences. If a game has a low age rating that doesn't necessarily mean it's only for kids either.

  • Most gamers are around 30 years old. In fact, most games are aimed at an older audience.

    Hope I helped :D

  • Yup, plenty, after all video games are made by adults

    alot of games are made torwards the adult crowd.

    last of us grand theft auto etc

  • yes and there is nothing wrong with it

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