Muslims, do prayers travel in circular paths?

Do they adhere to the parametric equation for a circle? i.e.

x = rcos(t)

y = rsin(t)

such that r is the radius of the earth?

If so, how do prayers account for the fact that earth is an oblique spheroid? What about mountains?

If none of this matters and prayers simply get to their destination by Allah's will or what have you, why pray in any specific direction in the first place?


kool dude - Initially I laughed, but then I realized that you might actually be serious. Can you please reassure me that you are joking?


  • Superstition? Because Muhammad instructs it in his book.

  • Peace

    Since Kaaba is the Center of The Earth .. all the Core points of the earth Join at this one Point.. This Point Unite at one Point.. Peace

    Ma Bad.. I wasn't able to Put it .. right.. I know this much that Kaaba is the center of The Earth.. Peace

    So when we Muslims Pray towards one direction .. from all points of the earth.. It hits the The Prayer doesn't travel in circular paths.. as you said.. Peace

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