
whos watching 2nite???

who do you think will GO???

i hope Pauly

i love Chris hes the best chracter


  • AJ commits suicide soon! Mark this down! In episode one, they were talking about how someone's kid drowned in a pool and how Tony could not imagine that happening to anyone. Well......I think AJ, who is very depressed ties a weight to his feet and throws himeself in the pool and they come home to the pool with AJ floating in it dead from drowning.

  • Got an awesome scenario I heard on the Radio

    Wouldn't it be awesome if the Sopranos series went the ways of the Star Trek series. Show ends and numerous movies come out. But the difference with the Sopranos would be that the movie eventually ends the whole thing.

    I love watching the show, just dont want it to end.

    Pauly is next

  • I had a feeling it would be Chris but the thing that's bothering me is the fact that because they're rushing things to get into three more episodes they are making a big mistake with AJ. I mean come on... AJ weighs a buck twenty tops! There is no way he would make a believable character as a tough guy. Give me a break. Tony is a tall plus size man and he fits the part. AJ is just to little and scrawny!

  • I wonder if the movie he produced "Cleaver" will be the plot of the last show. Maybe they aren't done with Christopher. Remember, the nephew from the movie came back and killed the Tony like character and that's where the doubt with Christopher started. But that would be a really weird ending having zombies with this

  • That episode blew my mind. I understand why Tony did it after he saw the baby seat. He told Chris if he started doing drugs again, he'd kill him, and he did.

    I thought it was a dream Tony was having and then he actually woke up from a dream, which gave me high hopes.

    Who's next?

  • I am in mourning over Christopher, he was my favorite character also, I loved when he would say "go make me some dinner you f$%$$ whore!" I think the writers will continue to make us hate tony more and more until he's left all alone at the end. what a disappointing season!

  • Unfortunately your hopes didn't save Chris.

  • I was just so blown away that it was Chris! Though he did have it coming!

  • Well there goes Christopher

  • I really thought it might be sil..CHRISTOPHER!! and the way he died. this season is just too weird.

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