Do preschools cost money?

I want my 3 1/2 year old daughter to get out of the house more and interact with other children. Im a stay at home mom and cant afford day care, but i was told she is old enough to join preschool and that some are free!!. But does it cost money? I was looking into La Petite and Kinder Care. I did look at their websites but didn't notice any pricing, if anyone knows anything about these schools and how it works please let me know! Thank you


  • Kinder-care isn't preschool, it's daycare-really low quality day care. If your career is to raise your child, why are you sending her to daycare? Unless you are on government aide and qualify for state daycare, you are going to pay! And if you can't ask the people the rate of their service, how are you going to ask the important questions? If you want to be a stay at home mom, spend quality time with her. If there aren't any kids in your development, go out with her. The library, park, etc are great places for social interaction and you can supervise and make sure she is meeting the right kinds of kids. Mommy is a much safer, caring, and nurturing guardian (I hope) than an uneducated daycare employee.

    Anyways, she'll be starting school soon enough. Enjoy her now as much as you can and continue to as she ages. A child doesn't require kids their age to be happy, caring and healthy individuals.

  • I guess that depends on where you live. I work at a preschool and we do charge for each child. If you are short on cash see if there are any government programs that can help you out. Your daughter is at a perfect age to get out and learn to be her own person a little. Not to mention the jump on education is fantastic for them once they get into public school. My son is 3 1/2 as well he knows his abc's he can write his own name and count to 20. Not to mention they teach them other lessons about sharing sitting listening to directions how to treat your friends. Just research like crazy whatever school you choose first. Dont be afraid to ask for background checks on the teachers, make sure the school has all its licenses, and ask for a tour to make sure you and your child are comfortable in the environment.

  • most preschools are free you should try to get her signed up as soon as possible and if there are any fee's they will have them listed right there for you..

  • of course, but they are not necessary. join a playgroup or go to the park more often.

  • you want someone to baby sit your child for free!! who is gonna pay those people for looking after your child,, and feeding her,, teaching her,,, etc etc etc,,,, there is no free!

  • Your a hot!! mommy

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