Why do conservatives worship Obama?

They seem to be the only ones calling him the "messiah"

Do they go to some weird "Let's worship Obama" Church?


Also, if he the conservative messiah, why do they dislike him so much?


  • Those are just a bunch of ignorant 14 year olds on here screaming. Ignore them.

  • Because unlike Pseudo-Libs, we pay attention to what's going on around us. We see you treating Obama like a messiah, so that's what we call him - YOUR messiah. Funny how you can't understand such a simple concept.

  • Yep, Democrats do. Of course.

    You better, too.

    You should get a change of attitude, or the Messiah may smack you with Brimstone.

    Bow Down like All Democrats to Obama.

  • We're mocking Evan Thomas, Editor of Newseek, when he called Obama a "sort of God"!


  • Nope but from watching the libs it is apparent they worship him But nice attempt of pushing the blame!!

  • its sarcastic. you guys think hes the messiah

  • Well, to be fair, it's very difficult for them to live up to the rules their actual messiah made for them.....you know, care for the poor, feed the hungry, give away everything you own and follow god to gain heaven......so, they tend to demonize anyone who dares to suggest that Jesus was right.

  • Why is sarcasm lost among liberals?

  • they worship Alan Colmes.

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