My sister always puts me down?

Okay, so i am 14 and my sister is 12. And whatever i do she puts down. For instance, i recently changed my style of clothing and my sister would see me, scrunch up her nose, and say "what are you wearing?" Or this one time i asked her were the broom is and she went "Since when do you clean your room?" And just today, i got my hair cut so i have straight across bangs instead of the side swoop bangs, and when my sister saw she did the same nose scrunchy thing and said "change your hair back now."

Whenever i ask how does my make up look, do i sing well, or do you like this outfit on me she always says something negative about it. I feel like she is trying to compete with me since i do well in school and she doesn't because she has dyslexia. But the things she say still get to me.

I have very low self-esteem because i have been bullied my whole life, and this doesn't help at all.

Also, she is always picking on my features, like she keeps on telling me my nose is too big (the first time she said it to me, it made me cry and i tried to cover my face with my hair so no one could see my nose) and she says that my forehead is too big too (i do have a big forehead) And it makes me feel so self-concious.

I've tried to tell her that i don't like the things that she says to me, but she doesn't stop. I don't think she ever will.

What should i do about it?


Usually i just ignore what she says. But you know, it still hurts.


  • Do it back to her.

  • typically even as relatives attempt to assist they're considered as being intense because they do no longer recognize a thanks to exhibit themselves ok. those on the recieving end are feeling slightly comfortable and probably beaten so that they see tries at help as being grievance. To para word Eleanor Roosevelt, no you may nevertheless make you sense undesirable without your permission. you're giving your sisters too a lot ability on your life. you've a house and a pair of little boys and now you want to bypass to varsity to advance your self and provide a extra acceptable life on your boys. you're to be counseled. Your sisters are accurate that that is going to be problematic. yet of route you're attentive to that and performance made a wakeful decision to do it besides. Are you possibly slightly anxious that you'll no longer make it? Is that why your sister's comments are bothering you a lot? if so, it really is high-quality. slightly worry isn't unusual. you recognize what you're able to and also you recognize that you ought to do it. And if issues do not workout consultation a minimum of you may say you tried. quite some human beings do not even try. So pat your self on the back and quit permitting human beings to intrude which includes your dream. It appears like you've fantastically a lot were given it at the same time and they could be slightly jealous or in awe of you. There are extra important issues in this international than holding a spotless homestead. Your 2 boys are yours and think ofyou've got were given a accurate to advance them as you spot in high-quality condition as long as they're no longer being abused or missed. the subsequent time they commence to criticize you for what you're doing, tell them how satisfied you're to have sisters who love you a lot. enable them recognize you relish their situation and that that is large to carry close that in case you run into difficulty they are going to be there for you. As for this weekend, seek for suggestion from out of your boyfriend about the problem brazenly and surely so he's prepared in case some thing does arise. together, coach your relatives that you're taking administration of your life. You stated all you want from them is their help. once you commence helping your self through no longer permitting human beings to administration your emotions, you'll discover their help has been there all alongside. you actually weren't recognizing it for what it changed into. you're literally no longer their sufferer and they're going to see you because the solid, confident female you're.

  • Maybe its because she's younger than u and she knows what gets 2 u and what could hurt u so she probably feels like she has the upper hand guys also have different styles and what she thinks looks nice is one thing and what you think looks nice is another it could also be that she could be going through the samething being bullied and stuff so she takes it out on the weaker people so she can build her self esteem back up she has alittle more maturing 2 do remember that and all u could do is show her what's right and what's wrong ....

    Hope I helped :)

  • Smother her with the pillow of kindness. Or just ignore her. If she says something like:

    "Your hair looks like a complete mess"

    just say: " Who cares what you think? I like how I look and if you don't feel good about yourself enough to look at your sister and say I look bad whatever!? I know I look good" And then do the sookie sookie dance out the room.

  • Since she is your younger sister she already feels inferior to you so she is just doing that as a subconscious way to make herself feel better although if you let it affect you then she will just keep doing it so just don't react and then tell your parents latter. Eventually she'll stop because she is just an immature 12 year old so don't worry about it she just probably has low self esteem, maybe if she insults you just compliment her back and then she'll stop eventually

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