me ajduem em inglês por favorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 10 pontos?

passar para inglês esse paragrafo mas passar certo sem nenhum erro por fovor

agora tudo acabou ,não brinco mais de piquisconde com os amigos na rua ,na jogo mais peteca com meu pai,tudo acabou ,cresci agora tenho que levar as coisas mais a serio na minha vida porque o que eu escolher aqui eu vou colher os frutos la na frente ,o que eu fizer de bom aqui la na frente eu vou colher esses frutos bons ou ruins .

na vida temos escolhas basta escolher quais seguilas sem medo ,sem desperar.

Teremos que tomar cuidado para não deixar cair em tentação .

Terei que agreditar mais em mim ,mais nas minhas opinioes e não ir nas opiniões dos outros .

Bem o passado passou ,o presente esta acontecendo e eu entou vivendo e o futuro sera que vai ser bom como foi o passado e o presente esta sendo?

Nunca ,estará diferente pois o futuro é o que vivemos aqui no presente .

O meu futuro tenho milhões de escolhas ,oportunidades ,mas basta escolher uma e seguir em diante e sempre com a cabeça erguida ,e caminha firme na caminhda e nunca desistir.

Desifios virão ,erros apareceram mas nada imperirá de vencer todos eles

Obrigado a deus por tudo que tenho ate hoje


  • now it was over, I don’t play more hide and seek with my friends on the street, I do not play more badminton with my dad, it was over, I grew up now I have to take things more seriously in my life because I choose here I'll reap the rewards in front of it, as I do good here in front of it I'll pick these fruits good or bad.

    Choices in life we simply have to choose which of them to follow without fear, desperation.

    We will have to be careful not to fall into temptation.

    I'll have to believe more in me, more on my opinions and not go in the opinions of others.

    Well now the past, this is happening and I am living and the future will it be good as the past and present is being?

    Never will be different because the future is what we live here and now.

    My future have millions of choices, opportunities, but just pick one and move forward and keep their heads up, and walk firmly and never give up.

    Challenges come, but no errors appeared imperative to win them all

    Thank God for everything I have until now.

  • Now it was over, more than piquisconde not play with friends on the street in badminton game more with my father, it was over, now I have grown to take things more seriously in my life because I choose here I'll reap the rewards in front of it, as I do good here in front of it I'll pick these fruits good or bad.

    choices in life we ​​simply choose which seguilas without fear, desperation.

    We will have to be careful not to fall into temptation.

    Agreditar'll have more in me, more on my opinions and not go in the opinions of others.

    Well now the past, this is happening and I entou living and the future will it be good as the past and present is being?

    Never will be different because the future is what we live here and now.

    My future have millions of choices, opportunities, but just pick one and move forward and keep their heads up, and walks in caminhda firm and never give up.

    Desifios come, but no errors appeared imperative to win them all

    Thank God for everything I have until now

  • now it was over, more than piquisconde not play with friends on the street in badminton game more with my father, it was over, now I have grown to take things more seriously in my life because I choose here I'll reap the rewards in front of it, as I do good here in front of it I'll pick these fruits good or bad.

    choices in life we ​​simply choose which seguilas without fear, desperation.

    We will have to be careful not to fall into temptation.

    Agreditar'll have more in me, more on my opinions and not go in the opinions of others.

    Well now the past, this is happening and I entou living and the future will it be good as the past and present is being?

    Never will be different because the future is what we live here and now.

    My future have millions of choices, opportunities, but just pick one and move forward and keep their heads up, and walks in caminhda firm and never give up.

    Desifios come, but no errors appeared imperative to win them all

    Thank God for everything I have until now

  • Filho, e o Google Tradutor?

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