is 32C a weird bra size?

none of my friends have my size and i have a hard time finding bras lol

just curious. are you 32c??


  • i worked at a lingere store, and we didnt cary many of that size. it means your really skinny and are really well endowed, which i must say im jealous of. its rare but your lucky.

  • 34C is more normal for C's. You could try a 34B if you can't find a 32C because they make the cupsize slightly bigger when they have a bigger measurement around under the bust. Try finding a 30D! It's impossible. I settle for a 32D or C instead.

  • not weird =o i was 32c for ages, found no problem getting bras =S sometimes had to get 34c if was desperate for the particular bra though, lol, maybe you not shopping in the right place? =)

  • I'm a 32D and its super hard finding bras. We just have a an unusual bra size because we're petite but have big boobs. But don't worry you're not alone.

  • Its not weird its just hard to find. All of the department stores like Macy's WILL order for you. I think this size is what you call LUCKY! And you are right not everyone is lucky!

  • it'd be easier if you bought the sister size of 34B.

    People usually buy 32C if they want to sound bigger...i bet your boobs aren't that big either cause mine are 34B and aren't big.

  • I'm a 34D.

    But no 32C is not weird; maybe uncommon though.

    Oh well, if you're young that still may change. :o)

  • yup i have hard time finding 32c

  • I used to be when I was younger. Now I am 34 D.

  • the number is your body-size, the letter is your breast, it's rare for a small person to have large breasts. I go from 36B to 36C. My body-bones stays the same, but my breast size changes

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