no sex yet.?

Is it weird that my boyfriend and I haven't had sex yet? We've been together for 5 months but it's never went any further than kissing. Sometimes he playfully smacks my *** but its as far as it goes. Even when he sleeps over nothing happens. I'm just not used to guys not pushing for it so it kinda has me confused and unsure. Maybe he's scared?


Just to clarify, I'm 28


  • Maybe he's a real gentleman and he doesn't want to push you. Some men will wait for girls to make the first move so they know just how far you want to take things.

    Try having a conversation with him, ask him if he's comfortable taking things to the next level, make sure he knows you're ready.

    I wouldn't just try to hop on his D without taking to him about it first, even if it's brief.

  • Maybe he lacks in size and or experience and is scared you'll be comparing to past experiences. He might just lack the confidence to make the 1st move. I'd honestly go for it. Take him to your room and orally please him to break the ice so to speak show him you want it. Men need ego boosts lol

  • It's nice to take things slow, but if sex/physical intimacy is something you place a lot of value on in a relationship, you should talk to him about it.

  • Maybe he likes men.

  • Your question, sorry, has some flaws...

    What is your age?

    Are you still a virgin, or not?

    Does he know that you are a virgin or not?

    Anyway, generally speaking, in case you are not a virgin, five months is a scary long time!!!

    Especially since, as you've mentioned, you have spent some nights together!

    Even if HE is a virgin, it is still very strange!...

  • Honestly, no. You shouldn't have sex till you're married. Now that's my opinion as a christian, but since you probably aren't one, I'll give another opinion.

    No. Five months isn't a long time to be together. It may feel long, but it's not . Give him time, and if he wants to , he'll let you know, but he may not. If not, then he has his reasons.

  • That's how my boyfriend and I were when things were just starting out.. Not every guy's trying to rush things

  • It's pretty unusual, yeah.

    It could be lots of things--performance anxiety, impotence, religious values or he's asexual.

    The important thing is how do you feel about this? Do you feel something's missing or are you okay with it?

  • THE BEST way to start is to dry hump aka grind like you are having sex over the clothes. i generally find in a new relationship thats the best way to feel the person out.

  • You didn't give a age so as far as I'm corcerned you are 5. So the answer is no, 5 year olds shouldn't have sex

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