Do you think P. Diddy is cool?

He is such a poser, it makes me laugh!


  • I hardly know who that is, but I'd say it's pretty fair to judge by just reading "P. Diddy."


  • I see him more on Entertainment Tonight and making an azz of himself on the E! Channel. But I rarely hear his music on any of the local hip hop stations. He has become a parody of himself and he's no longer about the music.

    I heard a black comedian joke that Emenem is blacker than Diddy. Diddy has become a house boy and has about as much street cred as Uncle Tom. He has reduced himself to a white girl's house pet and a corporate producer's lantern holder. Diddy has taken Eddie Murphy's parody "White Like Me" and now the joke is on him because he is living it as a whitewashed has been. If Amos or Andy could rap, that would be Diddy all right.

    What's up Diddy?


    Pft! Got that right, my du.

    Peace out.

  • Not as such, no. Hes an ok artist and all, but i reckon hes too much of a try hard, or poser (as you said).

  • at the instant its basically "Diddy". he feels a sprint too old to have a pant or a P to it. yet because all of us dont understand what it is going to likely be next 3 hundred and sixty 5 days, you will proberbly be asking lower back. we would be right here to maintain you published. On which grew to become into extra valuable, i think of the Puff had a undeniable ring to it.

  • He's actually just Diddy now, but he's not that cool and his music sucks

  • I don't like him. But he's a smart guy. He made all that money.

  • Maybe in his mind. He's a joke

  • P.Diddy blows.

  • He changes his freaking name too much.

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