My orchestra teacher is a ******* idiot?

He keeps giving me F's every day literally. He would see me holding my instrument in the wrong direction or something like that and he would give me a zero for the day that's called "tuning." I would only do it a few times that's it. Also, I don't get enough sleep all the time so sometimes I don't pay attention and then he would yell at me and give me a 0 again. I also missed a few performances so I have to use like some computer to learn this music but that computer is sooooo slow. I once took up a whole lunch without eating and was late to class just to wait for the godamned windows 7 to load. Then I couldn't hear the sound so I couldn't practice because there were no speakers. What can I do about that dumbass? Also when I asks to borrow for a pen he says no when ther's one right next to him. I talked to my counselor and he's not doing anything about it.


  • Just based upon what you wrote, I would say he isn't the dumbass. Apparently you holding the instrument the wrong way is somehow not your fault. Your lack of sleep might not be something you can always control. If it is then take care of it. He is not responsible for your sleep habits or problems. It is his job to teach you. He can't do that if you don't pay attention. I yell a bit too if one of my students isn't paying attention. If they can't stay awake I have them stand.

    You missed a few performances and he gave you a chance to make it up with another assignment. It isn't his fault you chose the computer that you did. If the computers don't have speakers then bring head phones. Ask for an extension on the assignment so you can gain access to a better computer.

    As for borrowing a pen, be responsible and bring your own supplies. Your teacher is not Office Depot. I don't loan out my office supplies to my students either. The supplies they use were bought for the class to use. If it is for me to use they don't get to use it.

    If you have issues going on that affect your ability to do your best in this class you need to talk to him not assume he is a dumbass for holding you accountable.

  • I play the cello and my orchestra teacher stinks he is so mean he always yells at me and once he said I did not go to a lesson and turn in the practice ticket but I did. So I am going to quit orchestra (not the cello) and join chorus oh wait my school is so bad you have to stick with orchestra till 3 years.

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