Do Obama Supporters realize?

That the price of Gasoline has more to do with loss of jobs than anything else,He is promising the middle class tax cuts,If their is no jobs what is he going to cut,Obama is against Drilling,it doesnt make sense,He claims we will not need oil in 10 years,How does he think this is going to happen,and what do we do until then, ?


  • No they dont' realize because they are so brainwash. They are not using logic but following their emotions. Obama will run this country to the ground with his new tax plans see the link below.

    but the Obamabots don't care. They believe in his unrealistic plans. Like a cult leader his followers will flock to him. People cry and faint when he makes his speechs. I find it very bizarre.

  • The price of gasoline has more to do with loss of jobs? care to elaborate? The cost of gasoline has more to do with the declining value of the dollar (becasue of the huge deficite Bush has run up) and limited refining capacity. New drilling won't do anything for 8 to 10 years and then the most we can hope for is volume equal to 4% of our use. Oh, and to the jackass at the top, economists and energy experts estimate that if everybody inflated their tires correctly and kept up the maintenance on their car, that would reduce gasoline consumption in this county by about 4%...the same as new offshore drilling. Do some actualy research,

  • i do no longer think of that Obama supporters (people who knowledgeable themselves on the themes) have been performed in any respect. Obama in no way even hinted at keeping Hilary Clinton or different Clinton advisers out of his Presidential cabinet. And the words "previous politics" and "new politics" are words that have been propagated by utilising the mainstream media as propaganda techniques. I commonly forget approximately ignorant and pointless words like those. i've got self belief Obama is making a mistake by utilising hiring Clinton advisers who're very much in charge for our present day financial disaster, (much greater so than George W. Bush). yet I knew that Obama replaced into headed in this direction. I additionally am no longer confident that he will pull the troops out of Iraq like he promised to do. I definitely have been saying that for the previous 8 months. yet we are able to be certain what the destiny holds.

  • Barack Obama has set an incredible goal - "Energy Independence in 10 Years" - John Kennedy set a goal to land an American on the moon in 10 years, and we did it!! If we can land an American on the moon, we can figure out how to end America's dependence on foreign oil (energy). The US has the LARGEST natural gas reserves in the world. 30 million vehicles around the world currently run off of natural gas (also known as "compressed natural gas" or CNG). These reserves are already known and tapped. Many, many commercial fleets and cars in Canada run off of natural gas. Converting our cars to use natural gas is not rocket science. Second, drilling for oil, and building nuclear power plants takes a lot of time. It would be at least 10 years before we could see any benefit from drilling, and much longer to see the first nuclear power plants come on line. We need to use the renewable sources of energy that can be implemented now. Solar energy, wind energy, and fuel cell technology.

  • First of all, your idea about loss of jobs = high gas prices is ridiculous. It doesn't affect demand at all. In fact, with less people in work, oil companies lowering prices so they can actually sell their product, but obviously this isn't happening, oil companies are making RECORD profits, and because demand for oil basically doesn't change, they have no incentive to lower prices.

    The one positive aspect of drilling for oil is that it will create more jobs. For the most part, we wont see any drilled oil for another 10-20 years because refineries and oil platforms need to be built, so fuel will still be expensive till then, unless we dip into our national reserve, which the democrats are suggesting.

    But what would create more jobs would be switching fuel sources entirely. Diversifying our energy sources to encompassing everything from solar, ethanol, wind, and nuclear and also basic conservation (what Obama suggests) would create a massive amount of jobs.

    Also, Obama is in favor of off shore drilling, to my great dismay.

    EDIT: You people are idiots. We have more natrual resources than anyother country on the planet. Yet you support having your energy needs filled by the one resource that we a lacking...oil.

  • Obama's solutions to every problem comes from Saul "the Red" Allinsky's allegiances to Soviet style socialism.

    The Republican solution is to drill here and now, while continuing to develop competitive alternatives.

    in an Obama Nation, there will be far more people on the wagon than pulling it.

    Obama's motto may as well be "From each according to his ability to pay, to each according to his need", which is straight from Karl Marx..

  • I know, I live in Texas, and know a lot about drilling, we are not in a recession, and we get monthly checks from the natural gas companies for our mineral rights, and I live in the city!! Drilling will create jobs, more taxable income, and will stop funding terrorist!!! I don't understand why people don't get that. We also have the most wind energy in Tx, but our state pays for that, not the Fed govt.

  • Obama doesn't know what he is talking about. He complains that Sarah is unexperienced but he and she have the same amount of experience but he is running for president.

    We need to drill, we need to stop depending on the foreign oil because they got us by the Ba***.

    By drilling and expanding where we drill, job opportunities will expand, this will help Americans who don't have jobs or who want better jobs. It will also help cut the cost of gas prices....

    It will be such a relief when this happens...People will be able to enjoy others things instead of filling up their tank or limiting to the amount of food that they buy.

    The cost of food and gas will only get worse if we don't drill. All we need to do is depend LESS on Foreign Oil....

  • We need to drill and we need to get rid of NAFTA

    NAFTA signed by Clinton although originally proposed by Bush Sr. but then changed to a nightmare is what took jobs.

    Obama will make it far worse he'll give those jobs to anyone making less than 10 dollars a week. We will be in that group as soon as he redistributes wealth globally with Obama's Global Poverty Act the act to make America as poor as the poorest nation on the globe.

    Obama supporters are people who don't believe in eating meat, fish or milk and honey (stolen from the bees). They want to see the global population reduced by 80% to save the planet. Get ready to die for the good of the planet and to save some bees. Obama is crazy listen to his words. Actually listen to him, he is nuts. He cares about being one of the few left alive and cares Not if America suffers we will be told to be happy to have the real experience of being poor. We can't drive our SUVs remember???

    No gas, no job, no food you Americans have had to much for to long Obama is handing YOUR money to the United Nations

    See the Global Poverty Act he is sponsoring

    And by the way Polar Bears are NOT endangered their population has trippled! The ads for the polar bears are what Obama takes money from. These ads are run by enviornmentalists who do not do a dam thing with the bears. All they do is try to pass more laws to encroach on citizen's property rights.

  • I'm not voting on the oil issue. It's not very important to me. If gas spikes, I use less of it and ride my bike more. If I feel too dependent on my car, I change my situation.

    The state of education is a lot more troubling to me. I wish candidates would talk more about it. I wish it was more important to others.

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