Did Jesus ever ride a horse?

If so, where can I buy a horse? I'm trying to live my life as Jesus did.


  • Yes, Jesus did ride on a horse (Mark 11:7, Luke 19:35). Or maybe it was a donkey (John 12:14). Or was it both (Matthew 21:5-7)?

    @ Sarah: Only a donkey? You sure? Mark and Luke say he rode a horse.

  • Living a life as Lord Jesus did requires a lot of personal sacrifices and deciplines for the sake of other people's interests. Are you prepared to give more than what you can get back? or to expect nothing back at all for what you gives away? Are you willing to take upon other people's sorrows on your own shoulders in order to free them, as Jesus did, bleeding His own blood for the redemption of our sins...?

    It takes tremendous LOVE to live a life as Jesus did, to GIVE love, but not to take.

    Are you prepared to ride a white horse and go out to conquer the world? or are you gonna ride a black horse and go out to kill the innocent?

    It takes heart to follow Lord Jesus, not a donkey or a horse.

    May God's peace and blessings come upon you, in Jesus name, amen.

  • The Bible only accounts Jesus riding a donkey. If you really want to live your life as Jesus did, read the Bible, specifically the Gospels, and try to follow Jesus's example of how He treated people...

  • Close. He did ride a donkey. He was also celibate. Try that, too.



  • mule horse and donky all equestrian were all abundant in that area at that time, but the storyies and scrolls only mention mules and donkies... although he may have i see nothig leading to proff he did or didn't

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  • He more than likely would have rode a camel.

  • No, he liked to ride @ss

  • if u can call mary a horse....

  • He only rode donkey's duhhh. maybe you should read the bible for once

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