how do prayers come true?

how do i make them come true? just wondering :)


  • If you roll a die and pray for a 6, your prayer will come true 1/6 of the time.

    It works exactly the same for all the other cases.

  • It's all coincidence. Wonder why not a single amputee has had their missing appendage regrown?

    Think about all the prayers that are "answered." They are all events which could have also occurred on their own without divine intervention.

  • Instead of waiting for the imaginary supreme being to help you, you get off your butt and make them come true yourself, OR, you accept that what you're praying for is unrealistic and you give up on it.

  • Confirmation bias and complete ignorance of failures 99% of the time.

  • you dont make them come true, God does

  • They don't.

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