Memory Uprgade Query?


I just bought this morning a 1 GB ddr2 Ram and installed it in the second slot of my notebook's memory.

Now my question is, when i had only 256mb of memory, my operating system used an average of 80mb when no programs are running.

Now that it has 1.27GB of memory, it is using 450mb of memory with no applications/programs running. why is this so?



  • The pc has something called virtual memory. It is actually your hard drive. If there is not enough RAM, the pc will use this virtual memory.

    Before with not enought RAM, your pc was using 80 MB of RAM memory and the rest was coming from the hard drive.

    Now, with enough memory, the pc is using the RAM and not needing to use the hard drive.

    Virtual memory is slow and inefficient. By now you must have noted a nice increase in speed of your pc.

  • It's perfectly normal and due to the hormones her body are peeking at.

    The best thing you can do for her, as you sound like such a comforting guy, is give her some Buscopan, available at the chemist which stops stomach cramps. Or some Ibuprofen tablets such as Neurofen. This will reduce any inflammation and pain her body is in.

    DO NOT GIVE HER ANYTHING CONTAINING ASPRIN. This will cause excessive bleeding as it thin the blood immediantly.

    A warm heat pack or cloth over her breast and back can also help a lot.

    So can hopping in a hot bed with an electric blanket on.

    She can hop in the shower and focus it onto the sore places.

    Taking 1,000mg of Evening Primrose Oil tablet once a day is a hidden and not much talked about mormone leveler. It takes about 2 months to fully work, but is a wonder drug. And will help prevent further pain and discomfort in future

  • i've never heard of it before.i think there must be something wrong with your notebook.

    although it does use the virtual memory tech,but that situation you told can't never ,ever happen.

    i own a PC with 1G RAM and with the XP,but it just uses 140m(at most) with no program running on it.

    so, i strongly suggest you try to reinstall you operating system.

  • This is probably because your system knew that there was not that much memory available so it used virtual memory more, but now that it sees all that memory available, it uses it and spares the virtual memory as a last resort.

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