Do I not deserve just as much respect as you?

While coming home for the first time in three months I decided to stop by a toy store to get my baby girl something. While looking around I noticed people started giving me disgusted looks, others pointed and laughed, then out of the blue i was told to go to Hell.

I was with my buddy who was on the phone with his wife and seemed to not notice. I ignored the rudeness too, but what pushed me over the edge was when a teenage boy came over to me and grabbed the toy out of my hand and through it half way across the isle. Without thinking I immediately said "what do you think you're doing?!" He responded with " you don't deserve to live, you go around slaughtering innocent people for no reason!" Before I could react he walked right out the door.

I am in the Marine Corps and I don't kill "innocent" people for no reason. I am doing this and risking my life for my country. Do I not deserve just as much respect as you? Or do I have a totally wrong impression on people?


  • sounds like the toy store was in a 3rd world country.

    i know it wasn't in the usa

  • TROLL! You are a basement troll who has never been in the military.

    You lifted this story right out of the Vietnam War era. Wasn't "cute" then and is not "cute" now.

    Go back to the basement, tuck the dirty t-shirt around your fat belly, yell for Mommy to get you another pizza and go back to playing COD.

  • Sorry but this isn't the Vietnam Era...

    Respect has to be Earned...It is not Freely Given...

    Street punk Trolls like you need to learn that...

    Think you posted this a couple days ago also...

    Sorry you couldn't make it past the Marine Recruiter...

  • You deserve as much respect as anyone does maybe even a little more. What that teen said was just stupid. It's like that thing with all the hippies in the 60s I think when all those men came home from war and everyone treated them like dirt like it was their fault they went to war. I personally thank you and all other marines for risking your lives for us. Those peoples small brains probably wouldn't be able to comprehend what it is you do or why you do it. But that's just me...

  • JHC the little phuqing boys are posing as men once again. I have Sir Walter Raleigh in the can....and I am not letting him out.

    So little boy let me leave you with this Vietnamese greeting among men....Do My Me....Me in Viet Nam is Mother.....wanna guess how far back you should be when saying this in person...the reaction could be a laugh...could also be the Asian circumcision....they cut it off, stuff it in your mouth and let you bleed out.....that, little boy, is the way men kill disrespectful is not as messy as a M67 up the bung hole!


    SSG US Army 73-82

  • If you want respect stop posting these silly posts and get a life. It is very obvious that you are not a Marine and your story is just made up.

  • you could go to the most liberal areas of this country and people would mostly treat a marine with respect (there are assholes wherever you go)

    this troll wasn't very nice

  • Do you want to know how I know you are lying? Are you going to be on later whining about getting beaten up by a Marine later?

  • Well, I can tell most people who see you think you are a f@ggot virgin loser who spends most of his day locked in his mother's basement masturbating and playing Call of Duty. I can see why they would get that impression.

  • Thank you for serving our country. I wish more teens had respect like me for the troops. Instead of doing that to you they should have been shaking your hand. If i had a kid that did that to someone in the Military, i would beat the **** out of them.

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