Girls please translate!?

There's a girl I want to ask to prom (we're good friends, but not like bf/gf and I don't necessarily want it to be that way). I asked her (in one of our MANY online conversations) "I'm not a girl, so I wouldn't know, but how important is the senior prom to a girl? Would a girl rather go with someone that they had neutral feelings about rather than nobody at all?" to which she replied:

"dude, i love prom. like nobody's business. but like, my brother, couldn't care less his senior year, he hardly went. frankly, i'll probably end up going by myself, which is perfectly fine with me! i'm pretty good at being an independent woman."

Would this be interpreted as that she wouldn't want to go with me (as indicated by the line "i'll probably end up going myself, which is perfectly fine with me")?


NOTE-I never asked the question upfront, "will you go to prom with me?" this was just a discussion ABOUT the prom, and I am trying to get information out of her response to my question.


  • If one never asks, then one will never know the answer, will they?

    " i'll probably end up going by myself, which is perfectly fine with me! i'm pretty good at being an independent woman."


    I am emotionally and mentally prepared if no one asks me out, because I am telling and convincing myself I can live with the fact no one asked. Does that mean she doesn't want anybody to ask her out? Nope.

    Now, go and ask her out. Who said you two were getting married? Meaning, enjoy the moment and don't be thinking too much into it and the future. Especially since it is understood you both are good friends without the bf/gf relationship established.

    Anyways, the best, strongest and healthiest relationships are based on good friendships. Because the time is not now, it does not mean the time may not be later. As we age, become "wiser" and more worldly, our views of people around us and our life matures us into different views. In other words, what didn't look attractive today, may look extremely attractive tomorrow.

    Good luck and much prayers on your bravery in asking the young lady out!

  • You are a bit of a dope about girls, huh? She's telling you that she definitely wants to go to the prom, and that she doesn't have a date (yet). So I suggest you say, "Hey, why don't we go together since we both want to go and we aren't hooked up with anyone?" Since you are friends, that should at least lead to an honest conversation. The comment about her brother might have been a fishing expedition to find out how you feel about the prom. Can't be sure about that, though.

  • it is virtually impossible to translate anything that a girl says (trust me..i am one) we are extremely complicated creatures.

    when she said, "i'll probably end up going by myself, which is perfectly fine with me! i'm pretty good at being an independent woman." she probly did not know you were going to ask her, therefore simply said what she thought.

    if she knew your intentions, she may have said otherwise.

    my advice: suck up the courage, ask her IN PERSON, and wait for a reply. if its a no, shake it off and continue being the friends that yall are. if you ask to go as friends, you might have a better chance of a yes. either way, shes your friend :)

  • well i wouldn't really know much about prom but i'm gussing that she just said shes probably gonna end up going by herself because she just thinks that o one will really ask her. if i were you i would ask her and don't be obligated to it would make her feel special t go with someone she sees as a friend which is way better than goning with some guy that you feel like you have to impress. trust me it's a big load off because it seems to me like she wants to go by herself so that she does't have to worry about alot of stuff like that. i hope i helped you. good luck!

  • My dear, the best way to find out if she wants to go with you is to ask.

    She may have just been saying that to save face for going alone.

    Ask her, because somehow I seriously doubt any girl would rather go alone than with a good friend. If she says no, then maybe she really did want to go alone, but no harm done!

  • I think you may have offended her by implying she might end up going with nobody at all if she doesn't go with a "neutral" friend like you. Then she answered defensively by saying she'd rather go by herself anyway.

    Best recovery for you is to make her feel special and do something sweet.

  • ASK HER :-) even if you dont want to date her just say even if its out the blue "fancy going to the prom with me? it'll be fun to look back on years from now"

    just asks its really not a big deal and you'll be happy you asked x

  • By her saying she'd probably go alone, she means she doesnt think anyone will ask her, and thats okay with her. Prom is important to her so even if she has to go alone, she will. It doesnt mean that she doesnt want to go with you. You should ask her! Good Luck! :)

  • when she's saying that she'll probably end up going by herself...she's saying

    " i don't think anybody is going to ask me, but it's alright because i am independent, but if someone does ask me..."

    so it seems like she's thinking that no one is going to ask her

    and prom is pretty important to girls esp. if it's senior prom.

    just be careful because she might think that you like her!

  • okay it could mean many things like maybe she is dropping you a hint to ask her but dude the only way to find out is to straight up ask her because us women are pretty Cryptic we don't just come out and say what we mean i don't know what are problem is but we pretty much expect you to be psychic lol just ask her what could it hurt

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