
Lately ive been really depressed. I've lost my not really making any friends at not on varsity on my football team cuz my stupid self didnt go to the first practice and i cant remember what to do on the plays plus school i really hate being told what to do and this is just really tearing me apart...i dont know what to do please help me! what should i do?


  • try school counsler...? I hated it when I was in school but after a while I realized that she really helped....

    about friends, try to find someone in your situation who also needs a friend..... both of you would then appreciate eachother...

  • You absolutely must get a new best friend, several new friends. Join something. It may be too later to join the varsity football team, but it is probably not too late to join something, even if it is just helping coach little kids. Or maybe drama club, or a church group. Sit down and make a list of everything you like to do. Go and call up someone you like and ask them to go somewhere with you to do one of them. Get out there, do something that gets you with people.

  • I think you should talk with a counselor at school. It seems like you may have a focal (keeping focused) issue. Perhaps things at home are not very good either. One thing I want you to know is you are very important in this life. We all get depressed and things happen, but we must use setbacks in our life to help make us better. It is OK to fail, but it is not OK to not get back up and succeed. I really wish you the best. Remember you are an important person in this world.

  • Just remember that there's always someone out there who has it worse. Try going to a new school and having your best friends stripped away from you, then making new best friends and that next year THEY get taken away from you and the same next year only now some bltch who hates you for no reason is trying to STEAL you're friends from you...and i know there are far worse cases than that too.

  • I know it seems like there's a lot going on in your life that is causing your depression, but there's a possibility it goes deeper than that. Go to your family practitioner/doctor and ask him/her about getting on an anti-depressant (SSRI), or, if you've ever seen a counselor in the past, go to them. Depression can be very debilitating, and just plain sucks. But, there are ways of fixing it, so don't feel bad about seeing a professional.

  • Don't fret! things will get better! school just started so you have the whole new year to look foward to. Be strong and make a new best friend where you feel appreciated. And practice, practice, practice so you will be a valuable player and they regret what they did!

  • Talk to your counselor or your parents. You need some help getting over your loss. You may need to see a Dr and take meds for awhile but you will get better. Please ask for help right away.

  • If you really don't like to be told what to do, how can anyone really help you?

  • please dont be depressed! just go have fun somewhere. what do u like to do?? go do ur hobbies. i know u have friends, u should find one. SMILE and LAUGH. watch tv or funny movies......

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