Why do I feel depressed?

I just finished watching the movie "Wall-e"(A little late i know) But after wards I felt all depressed, like I'll be alone for the rest of my life. I'm only 16, and I don't have good looks on my side, I've been told, But There has been two girls going through my mind, I don't know if either has any feelings for me. Pretty Much that's it.


I'm very Agnostic, And I only ask or talk to "God" when I'm very Desperate. I don't know why it depressed me I just felt like I'll never end up like the ending did.


  • stop eating meat

  • lol dude that movie made me depressed too, if you want to feel better just think about good things in life and maybe get a little bit more religious and this will help you

  • yea im 17 and i kinda felt that way to but i just delt with it and tried to be more social and go to parties and clubs and it worked out pretty well and if ur not good looking try to be outgoing who knows maybe one of those girls will lik u for who u r

  • well im 17 so i understand what you're going through.. umm i never watched that movie so idk if its depressing or not but anyway. dont feel bad. im sure you have someone out there waiting for you and thinks you're perfect. nobodys ugly we're all the same :)

    so dont feel depressed this is totally normal

    good luck with those girls anyway =)

  • don't be depressed about girls man. . . . its a huge ******* waste of time. and well try to make friends with people that are close to them and slowly move your way in as one of their friends, and if anything keep it at that. or go for the gold. each his own

  • Just go to bed you're tired,

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