What graphics card from AMD is = to a Nvidia evga 660 or 660 ti?

I have been wanting to upgrade my graphics card for a while and I have had and for ever and a know it is a pain to find all the amd drivers to uninstall and install the Nvidia drivers. So any solutions on the card that is = to the 660 or the ti and if there is not one is it as hard as I think to uninsta and find all the and drivers because I have a amd CPU and my graphics card I have now is amd. O and no need to tell me a need a good power supply I have a nice modular 800 watt from thermaltake.


  • AMD's closest equivalent to the GeForce GTX 660 is the Radeon HD 7870. The HD 7950 is the closest match to the GTX 660 Ti.



  • i could get the gtx and overclock it evga's taking area in playing cards overclock like bosses and have not have been given any overheating subject concerns by way of fact of fact they're designed to be overclocked it is going to blow that amd rubbish out of the water the overclocking instructions come on the cd with the photographs card as quickly as you purchase it in elementary words learn the instructions its particularly ordinary to overclock nvidias taking area in playing cards you in elementary words flow a slider up or down watch a youtube video (instructions referred to as evga precision x)

  • For details know, You can use that url"""""""""""www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130810"""""""""

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