Is it paradoxical to say "I dont exist"?

Since when you say "I" it implies mere existence and then say "dont exist", so it means "Mere existence dont exist"....Like when you have already stated your mere existence, how you can you say it doesnt exist


  • Well, if somebody is saying this to you in 'your' dream?

  • Yes.Some times this feelings used to appear in our mind or thought.Exist refers to have a place as part of objective reality.Here 'I do not exist' signifies your mind is somewhere else though you are physically present where you are usually.It is due to de linking of your senses from your mind.Therefore,it is always necessary to synchronize your mind with your thought and senses to prove your existence.

  • I have to exist to be able to say 'i don't exist', therefore I must exist.

    But...who or what is the I that knows i exist?

  • it means that your logic doesn't exist

    or intellect

    or subtlety

    or vapid attempt at humor

    or your sense of self awareness

    or your sense of individuality

    pick as many as you deem appropriate

  • if we are someone else's dream we don't exist

  • - A lie cannot be a paradox.

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