Why do people associate atheists with "weirdos"?

People in my school always associate atheistic people as freaks or goths. Sorry to offend anyone by this, but most of this mispercepion seems to come from jewish people, as my school is 40& jewish.


i live on long island, new york


  • I dont I associate fundies with weirdos


    Suzanne Hinn - Holy Ghost Enema


    Shaker Babylonic Pentecostal Charismatic Crazy


  • I'm not offended if someone calls me a Goth. I love a good vampire flick. And in the past I've been referred to as both a freak and a weirdo long before I adopted atheism.

    I consider all forms of religious fundamentalism as pretty weird and freaky so I suppose the feeling is mutual.

  • people with higher intelligence tend to become atheists young. i have a 138-142(lowest highest scores). That puts me at about 1 in 50,000 (been awhile since Ive seen score avg so i could be off). People with high intelligence question everything and tend to be individualistic. The more intelligent you are are the odder you seem to the avg person. We literally see and experience the world differently than most, so we come across as weird. Try being friends with the weirdo's most are also lonely.

  • i've recently had an argument with a friend regarding the true meaning of the word atheist. is it someone who doesn't believe in anything or someone who doesn't believe in god? That makes all the difference. I've never really heard of atheists being treated as freaks, probably because most of the people i know aren't religious, but what i personally would find a bit weird is not believing in absolutely anything

  • I don't think Atheists are freaks, I have a lot of Atheist friends. But I'm not Jewish so I can't answer from their viewpoint.

  • Some people look at Atheism as a type of.. Hopelessness and giving up on faith, which corrisponds to Emo/Goth culture. It's a lame sterotype that I haven't heard much of though. Most all people where I go to school are catholic or atheist.

  • People are people and do and say foolish things. Not all think like that. Maybe its just your school. What have you said that was unappropriated lately. We at some time say the wrong things. Not saying its ok just get the plank out of your eye before you want to take the splinter out of someone else's eye. It is always easy to see someone else's sin.

  • The people at your school are kids and they have not had much life experience yet. Ignorance often leads to faulty judgement.

    Perhaps they should get out of their closed community (the school) and into the real world more often. Schools aren't good places to build real social skills.

  • You're worrying too much. It really doesn't matter.

    There are a lot of religious Goths by the way. Definitely a lot of Christians in that sub-culture.

  • Are they human yes or not? Do they have feelings, family, wives, kids?!! They are as normal people as you and I But the only difference is that they think in different way about God they dont believe there's a God.. they are not weirdos !

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