Compito Inglese Facilissimo 10 pt !?

10 frasi al futuro in inglese..10 pt ! :DDD


  • I'm going to sing a funny song.

    Jane is going to have dinner with Patrick.

    he is going to play football with his friends.

    you are going to study for the next English classwork.

    The artist is going to make a portrait of you.

    I'm watching an interesting film.

    my sister is playing with our cat.

    The teacher is speaking about the political crisis.

    It's raining...take an umbrella!

    They are doing a great job.

  • se è facilissimo fattelo...

  • I'll go to watch the match

    I'll be famous in future

    I will go to see my girlfriend next week

    I will do a shower today

    I will go to take the tickets tomorrow

    I'll have mustache in 5 years

    I'll be an architect in the future

    I'll go to the dentist next week

    I'll do the exams next year

    I'll do my homework this afternoon

    You'll help me tomorrow

    He'll get married next year

    She'll love you in onethousand years

    I'll fix my mobile phone tomorrow

  • She will be doing her homework tomorrow.

    I will have finished my homework by six o'clock.

    Next year, I'll have been working as a teacher for ten years.

    They won't have read it until tomorrow.

    Mr. Kissinger is to give a lecture tomorrow.

    Ma father is about to arrive from the USA.

    We are having a meeting tomorrow.

    I am seeing John tomorrow.

    Tomorrow I am going to visit my aunt.

    Tomorrow it will be cloudy in Scotland.

    I will tell her everything when I see her.

    I hope the doctor comes this evening.

  • Non è vero che le frasi di Piccolina sono al present cont., però è facile cadere nell'errore perché la stessa forma è usata anche per un tipo di presente, vedere per credere:

    Anche le altre frasi scritte da Piccolina sono corrette, perché fatte al futuro Going To

    Detto ciò, il mio consiglio è di usare un po' di frasi scritte da Error 404 perché c'è la forma di futuro con Will, e un po' di frasi scritte da Piccolina perché ci sono le altre due tipologie di futuro.

    Però non usare la frase "I'll do a shower", si dice I'll take a shower, per quanto mi ricordo.

    In bocca al lupo per il compito

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