why does my sister act like a boy?

Why does she act like a boy its really annoying.... everyday shell wear a hoody and tracksuit.. she'll put the Hoody up inside while we're eating dinner then she will start eating food and slurping and munching like a boy! Sometimes she goes on internet sites and puts pictures up of skulls and everyone thinks shes a boy!!!!!!!! In school she looks like a tramp no offence and everyone calls her fat behind her back which makes me mad (a few boys say this , maybe to wind me up) like she will go into school with her blazer and a big fat ugly ponny tail for a primary school girl then wear clothes which are two big for her she dosnt suit it compared to anyone else........ how to get her to act like a normal girl instead of wearing hoodies and shuving her hands in her pockets....... because its so irritating and annoying!!!!!!!!


  • that's how she wants to dress and that's what makes her feel comfortable. she doesn't have to go by your standards.

  • It sounds like she's self conscious about herself and she's trying to be comfortable. Instead of making her feel even more uncomfortable, love her the way she is. It's probably a phase that will pass. People don't easily forget people that are mean to them. So, make sure you're not mean to her because she will never forget it and you'll later regret it.

  • An old fashioned tom boy or the modern gay you must accept your sister as she really is. If she is pretending to annoy you she will grow out of it.

    Give her a big hug and say Happy Christmas and thank you for being my sister!

  • oh! perfect timing. for christmas just get her a bunch of girly clothes. ( like the miley cyrus chain @ walmart- its cheap so you can get a lot of things for her). then you could like try and do "sister bonding" and try and like paint nails together or something. i dont know how much $ you have, but if you kinda have a lot, take her to a spa or something... just make her do what you do. the easy thing is if you do it for christmas (or what ever you celebrate) then she kinda has to accept it as a gift!

    hope this helps :) good luck!

  • Ok...This is confusing,but there might be a chance of eating disorder from the baggy clothes or hidden secrets in side of shame...you should talk to her,maybe she doesn't feel loved.

    just talk to her

  • maybe she feels tuff with these clothes on.. and wants to have a gloth look.... it is kinda weird tho, but does she have any friends..?? u can ask her why she likes to wear these kinds of clothes...

  • Either a lesbian

    or she's ghetto.

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