Why do men look so sexy natural ?

While if a woman was as natural as a male-no shaving at all below the neck, no makeup, no pedicures, no manicures, no skin moisutrizers-she might not be seen as attractive to males as men are to females.

Guys are so lucky


When i say natural I mean NO SHAVING AT ALL BELOW THE NECK TOO !!!!!!!




  • Mostly because that's what you've been taught. Disgust or appeal towards body hair is mostly learned behavior. Same thing goes for makup.

    Although there are certain universally appealing features (symmetry, clear skin, healthy hair, physically fit body) people typically try to augment or enhance the characteristics that a given society considers beautiful.

    For example, in certain tribes in Africa, women utilize stacked metal rings around the neck to force their necks to lengthen. This is seen as attractive to the men. The more rings = longer neck = more appealing. In the west, this would seem bizarre and completely unrelated to attractiveness. In China, women used to painfully bind their feet (wrap their toes underneath, to cause their feet to be smaller. This was considered attractive, but most Westerners consider this practice to be barbaric.

    In the West, we consider hair free women, and hirsute men to be sexy, but in other parts of the world, these qualities mean nothing.

  • Well... I don't know about that.

    I find that women who don't wear makeup are more attractive than those who do because they aren't fake. They don't grow coarse hair (except pubic hair and under the arms-which men also have,) they have softer voices, long soft hair, petite and delicate bodies (some of them,) curves, and they think differently. I like the way that women think more than the way that men do.

    So, if we were all natural, I think I'd still be attracted to girls. As a matter of fact, I wish everyone was natural. Life would be so much easier and everyone would be considered beautiful in thier own way, without any 'standards' that we have now.

  • I agree that men look sexy with an all-natural look. But there are lots of women who still look very pretty without any makeup on. And also, a lot of straight men actually prefer women who look natural on most days.

  • Wrong section....There is a lot of sexy, natural women out there with no make up than you would know.

  • if you find men attractive then why is this in the LGBT section?

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