Do Conservatives agree Nancy Pelosi's doing a fine job?
When you think of it, we once had some hardline guys named Dennis Hastert and Newt Gingrich as House Speakers.
Hastert instituted his "majority of the majority" policy, allowing the House to vote only on bills supported by the majority of its Republican members. How undemocratic.
Gingrich, lets not even go there bro, he cut the Welfare system down to only 4 years you can even be on the system!
Nancy Pelosi has in a sense LIBERATED the Congress with a drive to close the healthcare gap and help America's poor people, she is someone who spoke up when Wall Street greed caused the bail out and sub-prime mortgage crisis. She cares about the American people.
Nancy Pelosi stands up for the American people. When did we ever have someone as pro-American as Speaker Nancy Pelosi from the open-minded state of California?
Nancy Pelosi also has guts to push in legislation and make a change, like this 1990-page healthcare plan which will finally make America have Universal Healthcare like Canada and Europe!
Doesn't everybody agree Pelosi is the best Speaker of the House the Congress has had in decades?
Update:Ford stock when up only because Conservative rich people wanted to make a statement against the bail out by investing in Ford.
If the US Govt didn't bail out GM and Chrysler, Ford stock wouldn't have gone up at all because rich people wouldn't have had a political incentive to buy into Ford.
In this sense, Nancy Pelosi indirectly caused the profit increase in Ford. Ford became the emblem of the Republican libertarians who helped Ford with their own corporate bail out money.
Yeah, she's a dream, or a nightmare, choose one. Pathetic woman from Maryland that deserves to be speaker as much as Yobama deserves being president.
Pelosi and the rest of our Democrat governemt has done an excellent job of pandering to the ultra wealthy power elite and the big greedy companies, without even lifting a finger to reform corporate America.
Has ANYBODY proposed reinstating the Glass-Steagal act?
And look how much money Pelosi and Obama handed to the big greedy GM. Remember, that was Pelosi at the podium the day after Election Day, saying we must nationalize the auto makers to "rescue" them.
Well, GM and Chrysler took the "rescue," and they went bankrupt.
Meanwhile, Ford did not allow Pelosi to "rescue" them, and they just posted a ONE BILLION DOLLAR PROFIT. Their stock has QUADRUPLED in the past 12 months.
But Pelosi only bought GM and Chrysler, but she didn't spend a penny on Ford stock because they didn't need a "rescue." Whatever money she had put into Ford would be worth FOUR TIMES AS MUCH now. But four times zero is zero, and that's how much the government has made off of Ford stock to offset the money that was thrown down the pit on GM and Chrysler.
Yes, Pelosi is doing an excellent job of bankrupting our economy.
Pelosi's doing what every Democrat Speaker has always done.
> Bills can be written and amendments offered ONLY by Democrats or by Republicans by passing them through willing Democrats.
> NO bill can come to a vote at all except if she's sure it will pass and no "Republican" bill can come to a vote at all.
> Republicans need only show-up for the final vote on the final version of the bill since that's all they're ALLOWED to do. She even locks them out of committees by carrying out the actual committee business "off the clock" and without their participation.
> Poverty FELL in American UNTIL Democrats created what you know as "welfare." Poverty started FALLING again after GOP reforms in the 90s. Democrats undid those changes as a PRIORITY and poverty is on the rise again. You're glad of that, I see.
> You are unable to cite even ONE Constitutionally lawful piece of legislation Pelosi has ever supported.
In some ways you're right..
Her complete disregard for the good of the American people will cost the DNC a lot of seats in the next election. And that can only be a good thing.. pity, so many people have to suffer because of her until then.
Not even close, and just the fact that you talk about her like she is doing us good makes me want to puke. Do you really think she is democratic, how about taking a vacation so conservatives can't even debate about a bill. I wouldn't call proposing a 1990 page bill having guts, I'd say she is insuring the interests of her family though.
Nancy Pelousy is presiding over one of the most corrupt Congresses in modern times.
Destruction of the American healthcare system is not the same thing as "standing up for the American people."
You've got to be kidding! She's the worst speaker we've had in years. And as abono117 pointed out that if members of her own party don't throw her out the next election surely will.
Heck no she is the worst in several decades. She is mean and bitter to those that oppose her and she still needs a bag over her head even after botox.
I don't agree with any part of the drivel you have here, and most certainly not that Pelosi is doing a good job.