menstral cups vs tampons.?

i know that the cups are safer, and i've been curious to try them. I have a terrible fear of tampons (they were never proven safe, and the idea of something "Up there" just doesn't seem right to me...) but the cup idea scares me as well. i'm afraid it'll get stuck and i don't know how i would put it in right if i've never done it before. any suggestions?


  • I prefer tampons also. I tried the cups and found them to be messy too. I always tell people you have to be very comfortable with your body to use them. It was something I only wore at home because of the mess.

    Tampons are great. I have been using them for over 25 years. I have never had any problems with them.

  • The cup is gross. I tried it several years ago when it first came out because it was all the rage cause you could have sex with it and nobody would know yadda yadda yadda... I used it 3 days and tossed the rest of the box. Not to be gross, but the cup would fill up with blood and lining, and then you have to hook the cup with your finger and pull it out without making a mess. Ugh, you can try them if you want, maybe you will like them, but I really hated it. Oh yeah-you cannot flush them or anyting so if you are somewhere thatyou cannot toss it easily that can be a problem. I have used tampons since I was 13, and I never worry about them. I have always used Tampax and have never had a problem. As long as you change them often enough you will be fine, or alternate the pad and a tampon if you are still worried.

  • I cant say Metallica could be everywhere as solid as pink floyd or led zeppelin. Led zeppelin had an excellent sound and sense, yet interestingly a superb style of songs on there albums they didnt write (riffs) and maximum of there song is fueled by employing drugs. i think of pink floyd exchange right into a extra physically powerful band with extra powerful shape and killer guitar solos. pink floyd for me :)

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