Do your dreams ever affect your moods?


  • Yes i had one this morning. Here is the dream i had. I was walking down a dirt road, i was in between my dad's driveway and mine. Down the road came a big white truck and a big orange truck behind it. The man in the white truck stopped and asked if he could help me. I said, my cable (tv) got cut off. To be honest i did not pay my bill and they came and cut it off. He just looked at me and smiled, Then I woke up. Interpretation: On my daily walk in life, i put God last. The man in the white truck was Jesus, and the orange truck meant warning. By not praying i cut off communication with God. Jesus just smiles letting me know HE is not mad, but is gently warning me that i need to stay in prayer. My mood became very anxious after having this dream, as i did not want to disappoint my heavenly Father. I immediately got up and went into my prayer room.

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