Khajuraho Temples?

Why outside wall of khajuraho tamples is full of exotik sculpter?


  • Usually you would associate the exotic sculptures outside the Khajuraho temple to celebration of Life or Celebration of fertility of nature etc etc.

    But the according to the Shaastras its not so. According to the Shaastras, whenever a person enters a temple, he is supposed to leave the animate and inanimate world behind and enter the Garbha Gruha (Sanctum Sanctorum) of the temple humbly, without any prejudice like a new born child to experience the joy of bonding with The Deity or to experience the out of the world ecstacy that is a result of humble worship of the deity.

    Thus in almost every temple one can find worldly sculptures adorning the outer parts of the temple. But when one proceeds further towards the Garbha Gruha, one can find more spiritual sculptures describing the world beyond the mundane world and finally when a person enters the Garbha Gruha leaving the thoughts of the mundane world behind, one can attain spiritual ecstasy on seeing the Supreme Lord in His Archa Vigraha form.

    So, coming back to the Khajuraho temple, the exotic sculptures (which have been sculpted on the sides of the platform on which the temple stands) actually ask You to leave the thoughts of the mundane world behind and then rise above the platform so that you can reach the Garbha Gruha. When you enter the temple you cannot find such exotic sculptures.

    Actually one needs a perfectly mature mind to understand the reason behind the presence of those exotic sculptures.

    All this is present in the Shaastra which speaks about the Construction of a Temple.

  • Friend,

    In Sanatana Dharma that is Hinduism all subjects have been treated as sciences (Shastras).So we have Kaama Shaastra by vaatsaayana.Ayurvade by Chaaraka and Susruta.

    Jyotish Shaastra by Varaaha Mihira.

    Khagola Shaastra,Artha Shaastra,Dhanurvidya...etc etc.All have been scientifically studied and codified in a perfect order.

    The attraction between male and female is natural.But they declared that it should be within certain rules .So a science has been developed.

    Sculptors of Temples, in many places sculpted the poses of males and females in closeness or very intimate stage.This is to tell that this is also a part of life but one has to renounce this too to realise HIM.

  • It's a celebration of life, including sexuality.

    Some religions do not shy away from seeing sexuality as a part of the divine nature of the world.

    these temples are absolutely stunning. don't miss the opportunity of seeing them.

  • Not just khajurao temples, I have seen similar sculptures in other temples too. Though not so extensively. In the times of 'Kam sutra' (book). I think it was accepted as part of life.

  • In olden days the kings were the ruler and for their entertainment it has been made.

  • That was there culture and style of worship at that time

  • i cant even say that frist word lol

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