Who agrees??????

If you had a backyard with a huge, unexplored forest, that somehow led you to a real waterfall or lake, and hills and valleys, that no one ever knew about, except for you, and you could swim there every single day and explore the forests and hills, valleys, and beautiful, cool places every day without anyone knowing!!!

Wouldn't that be the best thing in the world???

Does anyone know if this fantasy actually exists in real life?

Mark this question as interesting, if you think so!


  • Sounds like my childhood summers, without the waterfalls, hills and valleys. I grew up in a flat swampy area, but it had a river and streams, forests, meadows, and tons of mosquitos! These places exist all across this country in semi- rural and wilderness areas.

    Unfortunately today most kids would rather play video games then explore the outdoors, even if they don't live in a city.

  • that would be absolutley sweet. i have always dreamed of that. i am sure you can look for places with back yards that lead into forests easily. check for areas on google earth. unfortunately you probably won't be able to get the perfect place but woods with a creek isn't unlikely

  • I don't know if it really exist but for your average, middle class person, imagination is as good as it gets.:( Yeah, it would be really cool but not probable. I think I can hear the waterfall...

  • That could be real. It sounds kinda like Winnie's backyard in "Tuck Everlasting" (The book, not the movie)

  • That would be awesome. I would love to have a place like that.

  • Yeah, that is cool. I thought of stuff like that before.

  • that would be amazing- it reminds me a little bit of the lion the witch and the wardrobe : )

  • That would be awesome

  • Idk if it actually exists; but i would be awsome! I actually wanna see a unicorn one day or something! [if stuff like that did exist.] lol

  • That would be so cool.

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