is this quote true grammar?

"By recognizing the stressing particles, >Update:

i love all the answers


  • No. It's word salad; those are English words, but they're strung together haphazardly, and the resulting sentences don't make any sense.

  • Don't think so. I don't understand it at all. I cant see how "data are fitted" BY recognizing the stressing particles. "In advance" is probably not right. And the only thing that can grammatically be the subject of "is valid" is "when particles are stressed at which"--I can't figure out what that could mean.

  • The second sentence is not grammatical. "When particles are stressed" should be followed by a consequence (like "they do xxx"); "at" just sits there with nothing to go with it; "which is valid" has no antecedent.

  • sure sounds like it

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